A book we use to learn subjects like history, English, math and so on in school.
What is a textbook?
Someone you do not know well.
What is a stranger?
The polite way to refer to a bathroom.
What is a restroom?
Fill in the blank:
I ____ __ be short but now I am tall.
I used to be short but now I am tall.
This is what most windows are made of.
What is glass?
The correct way to write or speak.
What is grammar?
Another word for family member.
What is a relative?
The word we need to use to ask the location of something.
What is "where"?
Another word for funny.
What is humorous?
The name of the movie we watched about dinosaurs.
What is Jurassic Park?
The correct way to say words.
What is pronunciation?
The most popular western festive in the world.
What is Christmas?
A large building containing a lot of smaller stores.
What is a mall?
The opposite of loud.
What is silent?
The plant that we use to make cloth to use for clothes, blankets, and other things.
What is cotton?
One phrase starting with a capital letter and ending with a period.
What is a sentence?
The Chinese festival celebrated by eating mooncakes.
What is the Mid-Autumn festival?
The specific location of a house, building, or business.
What is an address?
Another word for test.
What is an examination?
What city was teacher Sarah born in?
The type of science that studies of the periodic table and chemical reactions.
What is Chemistry?
The festival we had right before this semester started.
What is the Chinese New Year?
The place where two streets meet.
What is a corner?
This means you did not meet the standard.
What is fail?
What is the name of Teacher Sarah's husband?