How to ask a question.
Raise hand
What time does school start?
7:45 AM
What do you get at the end of the day if you clip up to the teacher?
1 Dojo point, 1 Grizzly Card, 1 sticker/eraser, 1 piece of candy, and 1 basketball shot
Fill in the blank:
I am honest _______________________________.
With myself and others
How to ask to go to the restroom.
Fingers crossed
What happens when you land on "Take a Time Out" on the clip chart?
You will have to spend 10 minutes in another classroom and fill out a reflection sheet.
What is the consequence for forgetting to bring or needing to charge your Chromebook?
Clip down
Fill in the blank:
I am _________________ when I ____________________.
Persistent, face a problem
How to ask for water.
How many people can be absent for us to color in a letter on the attendance poster?
0 or 1
What MUST DO activities do you have to do before you can do a MAY DO activity? (Be specific)
Unfinished work from the day, Moby Max, Slides (Bonus Points if you can name the 3 slides)
Give an example of HOW you can be a leader.
Different answers
How to ask to sharpen your pencil.
Pencil in the air
In order to check out new books at the library, you must...
Return 2 library books, or pay for any books you have lost.
10 Dojo Points
Give an example of HOW you can stand up for what is right.
Different answers
As a team, SHOW ME...
How to line up for recess/lunch/dismissal. *You can just line up at the door*
Stand, push chair in, walk quietly, face forward
What happens when the class gets a shout out from the recess coaches?
We are entered into a raffle to try to win an extra recess.
What time can you go to the restroom AFTER RECESS without clipping down?
11:20 AM
1:00 PM
Recite the Honor Code as a team!