Social, Emotional & Moral Development
Early & Middle Childhood
Final Jeopardy
Objects continue to exist even though they can not be seen or heard
What is object permanence?
Kohlberg's theory addresses this piece of child development
What is moral development?
The approximate age range of early and middle childhood
Birth-age 12 (onset of puberty) Birth to grade 6
ZPD is the acronym for...
What is zone of proximal development?
The first five stages in Erikson's theory of psychosocial development.
What is stage 1 trust v. mistrust stage 2 autonomy v. shame/doubt stage 3 initiative v. guilt stage 4 industry v. inferiority stage 5 identity v. role confusion
The order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development
What is sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations?
Kohlberg: The stage in which children's moral orientation is dictated by what is punished.
What is stage 1 or obedience and punishment orientation?
What is one difference in friendship in early childhood and middle childhood?
At the end of early childhood and in middle childhood friendships last longer and are more stable.
When children interact with these two groups of people, there is growth in their mental processes
What are peers and adults?
Piaget believed that children in the preoperational stage have difficulty taking the perspective of another person. This is known as....
What is egocentrism?
Bob is an accomplished businessman who lives on his own. He has achieved his career goals, however he is starting to feel like he hasn't made a contribution to society. According to Erikson, Bob is at this stage of development.
What is stage 7 or Generativity v. Stagnation?
In the _____________ classroom, teachers help students to build knowledge rather than to reproduce a series of facts. These teachers provide tools such as problem-solving and inquiry-based learning activities with which students formulate and test their ideas, draw conclusions and inferences, and pool and convey their knowledge in a collaborative learning environment. The students are transformed from a passive recipient of information to an active participant in the learning process.
What is constructivist?
Providing learners with a great deal of support during the early stages of learning, then diminishing support as the learner takes on increasing responsibility, is called
What is scaffolding?
The process of taking new information in one's environment and altering pre-existing schemas in order to fit in the new information
What is accommodation?
Anna is a 17 year old girl. Anna has not decided what she wants to do with her life. She is not making any moves to apply for colleges or complete any internships nor does she care to. James Marcia would say she is at the ______________ stage of identity development.
What is identity diffusion?
One way adults can support students moving from early childhood into middle childhood
Build positive relationships (get to know students, have lunch) Share responsibility (class jobs, rule making) Fun learning activities
Vygotsky believed this profoundly impacted cognitive development
What is social interaction?
This is a flaw of the preoperational stage in which children only focus on one part of the problem and neglect other aspects
What is centration?
The stage of morality in which children see rules as absolute and unchanging. Breaking the rules will lead to severe punishment.
What is heteronomous morality or moral realism?
Gross motor skills develop before _________________ skills
What are fine motor skills?
This is what Vygotsky referred to as the internal communication that a person directs to themselves. It serves an intellectual function, and it is typical in children from the age of three.
What is private speech?