Name 3 ways to travel without breaking the bank
couchsurfing - virtual travels - volunteering - wwoofing - interrailing...
What is a humanoid?
A robot which looks like a human being
Who was known as the Emperess of India?
Queen Victoria
Who is the author of "Can we auto-correct humanity"?
Prince EA
Name 3 hashtags that have had an impact?
#metoo - #blacklivesmatter #heforshe #neveragain
What does WWOOF stand for?
World Wide opportunities on organic farms
How is the TV series which features anthropomorphic robots called "synths" entitled?
How many countries are there in the Commonwealth?
Explain what an Instalie is
An intentionally false representation of real-life on social media.
How can you defend and promote a cause? Name 5 means of action
Demonstrations - petitions - signs - banners - tshirt - book - article - songs...
What's couchsurfing?
the practice of travelling around and staying with people you do not know, who advertise their homes on the internet.
What's the name of the robot which can dream and foresees the end of mankind?
Explain what the commonwealth is
A free association of sovereign states comprising the United Kingdom and a number of its former dependencies who have chosen to maintain ties of friendship and practical cooperation and who acknowledge the British monarch as symbolic head of their association
The Commonwealth is one of the world’s oldest political associations. It is made up of 54 states in 6 continents previously ruled by the British Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Who is Justine Sacco? What happened to her?
Justine Sacco is the communications exec who was very publicly fired from IAC back in 2014 for an inappropriate tweet
Give a synonym for "clicktivism"
Name the actor who volunteered in a Tibetan monastery during his gap year
Benedict Cumberbatch
What's the difference between functional (or general) AI and narrow AI?
AGI allows a machine to apply knowledge and skills in different contexts. This more closely mirrors human intelligence by providing opportunities for autonomous learning and problem-solving.
Narrow AI is defined as “a specific type of artificial intelligence in which a technology outperforms humans in some very narrowly defined task.
Draw a list of 10 former British colonies
Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, the Bahamas, Australia, Belize, Barbados, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, India, Egypt, South Africa, Pakistan,Cyprus, Nigeria, Tanzania...
Who wrote “So You've Been Publicly Shamed.” to denounce the harmful effect of Twitter?
Jon Ronson
Explain what "culture jamming" is.
Culture jamming is a protest used by many anti-consumerist social movements to disrupt or subvert media culture and its mainstream cultural institutions, including corporate advertising. It attempts to "expose the methods of domination" of a mass society
Name the app which allows you to travel both in time and space
Who created Sophia?
Hanson Robotics is an AI and robotics company dedicated to creating socially intelligent machines that enrich the quality of our lives
What is known as The Windrush Generation?
People arriving in the UK between 1948 and 1971 from Caribbean countries have been labelled the Windrush generation.
It refers to the ship MV Empire Windrush, which docked in Tilbury on 22 June 1948, bringing workers from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and other islands, to help fill post-war UK labour shortages.The ship carried 492 passengers - many of them children.
Who issued the video entitled "are you living an instalie"?
Ditch the Label
Who invented the hashtag?
Chris Messina