Passive Voice, Reported Speech
Articles, Question tags, Relative pronouns

When my granny (go) to her terraced house in summer, she always (feel) much better.

If she (run) out of sugar or bread, her husband always (go) to the shop.

When my granny goes to her terraced house in summer, she always feels much better.

If she runs out of sugar or bread, her husband always goes to the shop.


Our dog spoiled our beautiful carpet yesterday.

Our beautiful carpet was spoiled by our dog yesterday.


We (have) a party on Sunday at 6 p.m. Join us!

We are having a party on Sunday at 6 p.m. Join us!


1) Tim works a___  ___ deputy director in ___ UK.

2) ___ Black Sea is ___ most beautiful sea in ___ world.

1) Tim works as a deputy director in the UK.

2) The Black Sea is the most beautiful sea in the world.


Have you made friends ____ new colleagues __ work?

She is hopeless ___ sport but has a natural talent ___ languages.

Have you made friends with new colleagues at work?

She is hopeless at sport but has a natural talent for languages.


What you (do) if you (be) a self-made millionaire?

What would you do if you were a self-made millionaire?


My nephew is repairing my bike.

My bike is being repaired by my nephew.


I think they (get married) soon.

I think they will get married soon.


My niece plays ___ guitar on __ Mondays in __ evenings.

My niece plays the guitar on Mondays in the evenings.


Think ___ the box and it will result ___ promotion.

I’m ___ hot water again. I ran ___ ___ money.

Think outside the box and it will result in promotion.

I’m in hot water again. I ran out of money.


We (not have) a picnic unless the weather (be) fine.

We won’t have a picnic unless the weather is fine.


They have just sent these documents by post.

These documents have just been sent by post.


When (be) the last time you (ride) a bicycle?

When was the last time you rode a bicycle?


1) He is the man ___ sold me this coat.

2) This is Sarah, ___ husband you met yesterday.

He is the man who/that sold me this coat.

This is Sarah, whose husband you met yesterday.


We lost our tests ___ mistake, it didn’t happen ___ purpose.

We lost our tests by mistake, it didn’t happen on purpose.


If their best player (not be) injured, they (win) the match.

If their best player hadn’t been injured, they would have won the match.


“Where did you spend your summer holidays?” my teacher asked me.

My teacher asked me where I had spent my summer holidays


My children never (see) such a beautiful place before.

My children have never seen such a beautiful place before.


The car, ___ you can see in this yard, belongs to my friend.

The car, which you can see in this yard, belongs to my friend.


I never leave my appliances ___ standby, I always plug them ___ .

I had to apologize ___ being late ___ the meeting.

I never leave my appliances on standby, I always plug them out.

I had to apologize for being late for the meeting.


If our boss (not fall ill) yesterday, we (not put off) our meeting.

If our boss hadn’t fallen ill yesterday, we wouldn’t have put off our meeting.


1) “Were you born in Austria?” Tim asked his neighbour.

2) “Last year we could swim in this river” children said.

1) Tim asked his neighbour if he had been born in Austria.

2) Children said they could swim in that river the previous year.


By the time we (arrive) at the train station, all my friends already (buy) tickets.

By the time we arrived at the train station, all my friends had already bought tickets.


1)You’re from Africa, _____?

2) They have been here before many times, ____?

3)  It’ll probably rain in the evening, ____?

4) Let’s go for a walk in the park, ____?

You’re from Africa, aren’t you?

They have been here before many times, haven’t they?

It’ll probably rain in the evening, won’t it?

Let’s go for a walk in the park, shall we?


He gave ___ smoking, took ___ tennis and finally succeeded ___ his job.

Always stick __ the topic when you communicate ___ foreign customers.

He gave up smoking, took up tennis and finally succeeded in his job.

Always stick to the topic when you communicate with foreign customers.
