This is the addressee of the larger letter
Who is "The Gentleman"?
A claim that can be backed by ample reasoning
What is an argument?
First sentence of the introduction
What is the hook?
The paragraph most research goes into
What is the context/background paragraph?
He smokes like a chimney
What is a simile?
This war is the backdrop for the essays.
What is World War II?
Correct order of paragraphs
What is Introduction, background, body, and conclusion?
Last sentence of your introduction
What is the thesis?
The amount of outside research allowed on your first paper
What is none?
Sally sells seashells by the seashore
A group of associated writers and thinkers, including Woolf.
What is the Bloomsbury Group?
The three corners of an argument
What are Ethos, Logos, and Pathos?
The proper format for in-text citations
I can't get changed that quickly, I'm not Superman
The first guinea she sent supported this cause.
Purpose of your first assignment?
What is "close reading using selected literary terms"?
What is the Magic Thesis Formula?
The style guide you should use for all English papers
What is MLA?
The eyes are the windows of the soul
What is a metaphor?
The third letter Woolf respond's to requests this.
What is "a request for support for an organization to help women enter the professions"?
The due date of your first paper
When is March 21?
The thesis template (actual template, not just the name)
What is, "By looking at _____, we can see ______, which most people don't see; this is important because ______."
Points of individual interpretation of evidence
What is analysis?
Silicon Valley constantly pushes innovative boundaries.
What is metonymy?