Put all of these colors in order:
Green, Purple, Red, Blue, Orange, Yellow
What is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue & Purple.
What animals need to be in water to breathe?
What is a Fish.
Fill in the blank:
This TV show is called Peppa _________
What is Peppa Pig.
What food has these ingredients...
Dough, Tomato Sauce and Cheese?
What is Pizza.
What game requires you to take your shoes off?
What is Twister.
What candy uses all of the colors of the rainbow. And there is a commercial on the TV that says "Taste the Rainbow"?
What is Skittles.
Name one of the animals that comes out in the movie Madagascar.
Ms.Jhandi will let you know.
What show has this song? Fill in the blanks.
Hey ____ ! Hey ____ !
What is Hey Jessie, Hey Jessie!
What restaurant has a big M?
What is McDonald's.
What game can you draw on the cement? And it requires you to hop?
What is Hopscotch.
If you mix Red and Blue together, what color does it make?
What is Purple.
What animal is the United States national animal?
What is a Bald Eagle or Eagle.
What kid TV show starts with a V?
What is Voltron.
What is the IN-N-OUT restaurant famous for?
What is a Burger.
What game has only yellow and red circles?
What is Connect 4.
There is a ring, that changes different colors. What is that ring called?
What animals has pink milk?
What is a Hippopotamus.
What show has a big red dog?
What is Clifford.
What food requires you to eat it with a cone?
What is Ice Cream.
What game requires picking and dropping beads?
What is Mancala.
Who painted the famous painting named the Starry Night?
Who is Vincent Van Gogh.
What three animals sing "Hakuna Matata" in the Lion King?
What is a Lion, Meerkat and Warthog.
What show has the famous saying
"Are you calling me a liar?! Well I ain't calling you a truther!!"
What is Drake and Josh.
What food can you eat with a spoon and not a fork?
What is soup.
What game requires you to ask questions in order to win?
What is Guess Who.