
True or False: Internal Validity refers to how the experiment was designed or executed?

True! When looking at Internal Validity ask yourself questions such as: "Were the initial groups equivalent in terms of who they were and how they experienced the experiment?", "Was the measudre of the outcome variable reliable?", and "Was the manipulation clearly defined and executed well?"


True or False: A question External Validity is concerned with is, "How large is the margin of error?"

False. The given question relates to Statistical Validity


True or False: is a priority for all three study claims (Frequency, Association, Causal)

True! Construct Validity focuses on the degree to which a test/instument is capable of measuring a concept, trait, or other theoretical entity.


True or False: Statistical Validity is the most important type of validity to study claims (Frequency, Association, and Causal)

False. Statistical Validity is only a priority to Association and Causal Claims. It is not a priority to Frequency because Frequency claims only have one variable.


It is a priority to have what validity for Frequency claims?

Frequency claims prioritize have Construct Validity and External Validity.


True or False: Convenience Sampling has high (or strong) Internal Validity

False. Convenience Sampling is a non-probability sampling technique that does not ensure that everyone has an equal chance of being chosen. It also does not ensure that the sample taken is representative of the population.  


True or False: External Validity is a priority for Association claims.

False. External Validity is a priority only to Frequency claims because it is concerned with how the population was sampled and if the results can be generalized. It is an optional priority for both Association and Causal claims.


True or False: Construct Validity is concerned with the question, "Was the measurement of the outcome variable reliable?"

False. The given question is a focus of Internal Validity. Construct Validity asks: "Is the operational definition of a variable an accurate reflect of the construct?" and "Are you manipulating what you think you are manipulating?"


True or False: Statistical Validity asks, "Are inferences well matched to the statistical tests used?"

True! Statistical Validity is concerned with if the statistical tests are appropriate and if the conclusions correspond to the results of the statistical tests.


What is the difference between Reliability and Validity?

Reliability=Consistency: The degree to which the outcome is consistent when the experiment is repeated

Validity=Accuracy: The degree to which the measurement or constructs, used in the experiment, measure what you want them to measure


Internal Validity is a priority for what type of claim?

Causal claims. These claims require experiments and therefore need experimental control in order to ensure there are not alternate explanations for results.


True or False: Internal Validity and External Validity are positively correlated, meaning as internal validity is increased external validity naturally increases as well. 

False. As Internal Validity is increased External Validity begins to weaken because as the experimenters gain more control over the sample and manipulation it is less likely to generalize to the population.


Is Face Validity an aspect of Construct Validity?

Yes, it is the extent to which the construct measures what the research intends for it to measure.


Is Statistical Validity worried about effect size?

Effect size is a quantitative measure of the magnitude of the experimental effect. Therefore effect size does fall under Statistical Validity


What is Content Validity?

Content Validity is an aspect of Construct Validity. It is the extent to which an operational definition encompasses all facets of the variable of interest


Why is Internal Validity not a priority to association claims?

Correlation does not equal causation. Association claims can not control or manipulate variables and therefore it is not important to worry about a validity that is focused on how a variable is manipulated and if that manipulation is evenly distributed amongst the samples.


External Validity focuses on what?

External Validity focuses on generalizability, authenticity, and sample representation


Does measuring a participants heartbeat to indicate stress have strong Construct Validity?

A heartbeat can increase for multiple reason that are not related to stress. This would be a poor operational definition for stress and therefore this study would have weak Construct Validity.


Why is Statistical Validity a priority to Causal claims?

Statistical Validity focuses on how big the difference is between levels of the independent variable. These numberse must be accurate but the conclusion from the numbers must be accurate as well. If the study has a r=0.1 but the conclusion states that the correlation coefficient is wrong then the study would have weak Statistical Validity and would be considered inaccurate.


The 5 common threats to Internal Validity are...

Maturation effect, Testing effect, Mortality effect, Selection effect, History effect


Group A with participants aged (18-24) and Group B with participants (42-65) and the experiment is looking at how sleep affects decision making. Group A sleeps 7 hours and then preforms a task. Group B sleeps 2 hours and then preforms the same task. Group A preforms better than Group B. The experiment concludes that the less sleep an individual has the more poorly their decision making is affected. Does this experiment have high Internal Validity?

No, this experiment has low or weak Internal Validity because the groups participants ages vary. For the research question: "Does the amount of sleep an individual gets affect their decision making?" Both groups needs to have equal and representative participants in order to have stronger Internal Validity.


Does Cluster Sampling have strong External Validity?

Yes, if done right. Cluster Sampling subdivides the population into smaller, often geographical groups, and then randomly selects individuals from those clusters. These clusters, if done right, can ensure that defining characteristics of the population are represented in the sample


Why is Construct Validity important?

Construct Validity focuses on the definitions and measurements used in a study. If these are wrong or not accurate the study is useless because there is a lot of room for error. One must have strong Construct Validity in order for the study to seem accurate and legit.


True or False: Statistical Validity is only concerned with the type of statistical tests used and not the results

False. Statistical Validity is concerned with analyzing and interpreting results


What is Validity?

Validity is the degree to which empirical evidence and theoretical rationales support the adequacy and appropriateness of conclusions drawn from some form of assessment.
