Is it Risky
Who is the Riskiest
Name that Diagnosis
What is ARC
Wild Card

The more _____ you have, the ____ your level of risk.

Risk factors, higher


Kaleigh vs. Elijah 

Elijah, history of hospital evals, breaks glasses, SI/Hi,  aggressive, more severe


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): is a long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both. People with OCD have time-consuming symptoms that can cause significant distress or interfere with daily life. 


Children with complex developmental trauma often have a diagnosis based on what they are experiencing and their symptom presentation. Name one of these trauma disorders.

RAD, PTSD, Other Specified Trauma


Name 3 major treatment programs at CCGC outside of the school?

IICAPS, IOP/North Star, Outpatient 


True or False: Being sent to the ER by clinical staff or the police means a student will be admitted into the hospital. 

False: ER recommendation or "paper" only warrants a evaluation NOT a inpatient admission. 


Logan vs. Jeremiah 

Logan has a higher severity vs Jeremiah's frequency. logan is more aggressive, gets out the building, hurts staff, destruction of property. 


Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a type of behavior disorder. It is mostly diagnosed in childhood. Children with ODD show a pattern of uncooperative, defiant, and hostile behavior toward peers, parents, teachers, and other authority figures. unable to take responsibility for actions "You made me do this, it is your fault".

Can grow out of or transitions into conduct disorder (aggression to animals,  violation of rights, antisocial behaviors)


Name the 4 trauma responses. 

Fight, flight, freeze and fawn


What is the most watched Youtube video of all time? 

A. Baby Shark

B. Foster kittens "Kitty daycare"

C. Cocomelon The Bath Song

A. Baby Shark


Family support, access to services, and religious beliefs are three examples of _____________.  Give 3 more. 

Protective factors





Artez vs. Gayvn

Artez: history of DV, higher trauma, AWOL behaviors 


Ms. Bri asks Omar why he is standing in front of the window.  He turns to her smiles, and says  "I just want to open the fridge to get the lighthouse blanket and I don't know why your bringing the tv into the playground because people see pencils".

This sentence is an example of what 

A. disorganized thought

B. word salad

C. an auditory hallucination

B. Word salad : "a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases", most often used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder. 


In working with the students daily we treat ourselves as parents.  What are we always focusing on regulating?

Our Caregiver Affect Management 


Riddle me this:  What has a heart that does not beat? 

An Artichoke


Give an example of a high, medium, and low risk behavior. 

Low: Suicidal ideations, refusing treatment 

Medium: AWOL, auditory hallucinations, aggression

High: Suicidal ideations with a plan, self injurious cutting, refusal of treatment, command auditory hallucinations etc...


Omar vs. Benji

Omar has a higher level of risk. Auditory hallucinations, history of inpatient stays, high risk behaviors including tying objects around his neck, jumping off of stairs, "suicidal gestures" 


PTSD and a Flashback 


What is the trauma response AND what was the trigger?

Fight response.  Trigger: Ending of sessions, therapist leaving, abandonment.


Where was Superbowl 2024 AND where is Superbowl 2025?

Nevada and New Orleans


Benji is playing with a peer on the playground and gets redirected to have expected language after saying something unkind and pushing the peer. Benji continues to make statements to peers and now becomes verbally aggressive to staff who redirected him. Benji is prompted to sit for a quiet minute before returning to play. Benji remains silent as he picks up a rock and strolls around the fence line. When he approaches the gate, he books it toward the parking lot with the rock in hand. Based on the information provided, what is the level of risk?

Medium - High risk behavior, with a medium level of risk. Only based on information received. 


Rank all 8 west wing students from lowest to highest level of risk. 

Adam, Maddison, Gennae, King, Kerizma, Rowan, Lumen, Kayden

**Team will acknowledge some students may be subjective based on history vs current presentation. For example King and Rowan. 


Agoraphobia, social, acute stress, phobias, separation, and panic are part of this group of disorders.

Anxiety Disorders 


What does ARC stand for? 

Attachment, Regulation and Competency 


Riddle me this: I have branches, but no fruit, trunk, or leaves. What am I?

A bank
