What's in a Quote?
Within the "Letter"
Literary Devices
It's all HISTORY

Martin Luther King Suggests that "Injustice anywhere is a __________________ to justice everywhere.

What is a threat


King addressed this letter to whom

Who are his Fellow Clergyman


Give three examples of "Clergyman"

What are Rabbi, Pastor, Bishop, Priest, Deacon ect


Letter From Birmingham Jail is written from what Point of View?

What is First person


For What Civil Rights group did Dr. King serve as President?

What is The SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference?


"Is it logical to condemn a robbed man and say his possession of money precipitated the robbery?"

What is that as a society we cannot continue to blame the "victims" we have to start holding the right people responsible.

Why does Dr. King take the time to address the criticism of the clergyman
What is because they are his collegues and he feels that overall they are good individuals

Provide at one synonym and one antonym for the word "cognizant"

What are Synonym: aware, conscious, perceive Antonym: unaware, ignorant, unconcerned, unconscious


"Church is a thermostat that transformed the mores of society." Is and example of a ?

What is a Metaphor


 Why was King in Birmingham? (was he an outsider)

 He was invited as the president of the SCLC to participate in a non-violent protest. 


What does King mean by the following statement? "We have waited more than 340 for our constitutional and God-Given rights."

What is that African Americans were promised equality after slavery and have yet to secure it.

King suggests that there are two kinds of laws
What are "just and unjust"

What is the difference between a "monologue" and a "dialogue"? *Hint* Look at the prefixes

What is dialogue is a conversation between two or more people where a monologue is one person speaking.

"Injustice is like a boil that can never be cured as long as it is covered up..." is an example of a
What is a simile

What movement was going on during MLK's time?

Civil Rights


Evaluate the following quote "If the inexpressible cruelties of slavery could not stop us, the opposition we now face will surely fail"

What is that African Americans will overcome this. If Slavery was not enough to destroy them then segregations will definitely fail.

The Four basic steps of non-violent protest are
What are 1:Collection of facts 2: Negotiation 3: Self Purification 4: Direct Action

What does non-violent protest mean?

No retaliation/peaceful protest/assembly to advance your purpose/movement
Identify at least one of the moods or feelings Dr. King experienced in this Letter. Explain what he says made him feel that way.
What are, dissappointed, Hopeful, Saddened, discouraged, Determined

King quotes these two historical documents to support his opinion that African Americans deserve the same rights as other Americans

What are The Declaration of Independence and The Emancipation Proclamation


What inferences can you draw from this statement: "There was a time when the church was very powerful-in the time when the early christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed"

What is that the church and religion no longer have the effect and power it used to have within the community. People had conviction fought for their beliefs.

Why was Dr. King so impressed with Reverend Stallings.
What is because he opened his congregation up to African Americans and allowed them to worship in his church

Instead of "COMMENDING" the Birmingham Police Dept. who does Dr. King say should be "COMMENDED"?

Who are the people who were walking alongside him demonstrating, marching, protesting and staging sit-ins.

What is the theme or main idea of Letter from Birmingham Jail?
What is that African American cannot wait ANY LONGER. NOW is the time to secure their rights.

The Landmark supreme court case that overturned the separate but equal doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson and declares separate learning facilities unconstitutional.

What is Brown v. Board of Education
