What's so special?

Multiple instructional strategies or environmental changes that provides access for a student with a disability and does not fundamentally alter the content, standard, or expectation.

What is UDL? OR 

What are accommodations?


All areas of student needs, the appropriateness of the student's IEP, including services and supports, and whether IEP was implemented as written

What are the things an IEP Team must consider when a SWD is failing a class (or an MDR)


A change in instructional strategies or environment that provides supports for a student with a disability and does fundamentally alter the content, standard, or expectation.

What is a Modification?


When they possess a weapon; knowingly possess, use, sell, or solicit the sale of a controlled substance, OR inflict serious bodily injury (as defined by law) on another person

When can a SWD be removed to a 45 day interim placement 


When participation in the pass/fail grading system is voluntary and is available to all students. 

When is it appropriate for a SWD to be given a pass/fail grade?
