What is the 6 month premium?
What is the name of the Verification page in KT?
Verification and Authority
TRUE or FALSE: It is okay to skip verification for a long-time customer?
Who is the GEICO mascot?
Name ONE Customer Type
Strength, Detail, Relationship, Entertainment
Where in EDGE will you change the phone number?
Account Preferences
What is MBI?
Mechanical Breakdown Insurance (MBI) is like a dealer's extended warranty protection and provides coverage in excess of the manufacturer’s warranty. When carried with comprehensive and collision, the coverage package is called "multi-risk".
How many pieces of verification are there for NIN / COIN? What are they?
NIN: Named Insured
COIN: Co Insured
Full Name
Policy # / Phone Number
What is this little guys name?
Which customer type enjoys humor?
Where would a POLICY password show in EDGE?
On Portfolio
What names display on ID card?
What proof do we need for the Executor of Estate?
Executor of Estate (EOE): Verbal verification from the EOE is acceptable as proof of documentation in every state.
Besides auto insurance, name two other types of insurance that GEICO offers.
Homeowners, Renters, Motorcycle, RV, Boat
Your PH keeps asking about your day and sharing personal stories. What type of customer are they, and how should you handle them?
Be warm and friendly but guide the conversation back to the purpose of the call.
What information can be found here..
Vehicle information
As of 1/1/25 what is the BI Minimum & PD Minimum in UT?
After completing your greeting, if you realize that you have a call where there is no one on the line. What do you say?
“If someone is on the line, I’m unable to hear you. Please visit us online at geico.com or call 1-800-841-3000 for assistance.”
When was GEICO founded?
How should you communicate with a DETAIL customer?
Be precise, provide structured information, and avoid vague answers.
What does this mean?
It means...
How far will of a Tow do we cover with ERS?
Your PH needs their DL #, can you give it to them?
How will you deliver the answer to the PH?
Leadership will provide feedback on delivery of info.
MIKE,MIKE,MIKE, MIKE... What is this guys name?
Must get both right, IDENTIFY and RESPOND with an ARRM statement.
I am calling because I need to change my payment from the 7th to the 14th because of my direct deposit dates changed at work.
Customer Type: Detail
Leadership will advise how ARRM sounded :)