Allows the user to move to all available pages, lists, and previously accessed accounts.
Navigates to 835 screen
How do I know the name of the hospital from the HSP code in ACE?
Press F9 to resize the list to show partial of the facility name. Place your cursor under the partial facility name and hit ALT + F1.
An EDI code refers to what we send to the payer
What are the criteria for MAWPS?
1. Initial Review
2. Demographic Validation
3. Financial Reconciliation
4. Actions
Allows the user to view letter history
Shift F2
Navigates to UB04 claim form
How can you find your detailed charges in ACE?
Hit F5 from the home page and find the word detail charges. Then, enter 5 to display detailed charges.
An EDI code refers to the electronic response the Payer send back
What is the definition of MAWPS?
Minimum Acceptable Work Product Standards
Allows the user to return to the previous screen.
Navigates to financial reconciliation screen
Where can I find who the physician is?
1. Page 7
2. Patient account information under General information.
3. UB04 claim form
Way Star reviews account for
1. Missing Charges
2. Eligibility
What must be updated once you have confirmed all the details in the BU screen are correct?
Verified. Need to change from " N " to " Y " and hit Enter
Allows the user to view billing status history
Shift F4
Navigates to payer claim summary screen
How to view the doctor's information?
F7 then DQ put physician name on the " Full Name Start's with " line. Then, put 5 beside your physician name then hit enter
This is what you would see when ACE recognizes late charges were added
What activity code is used to document your findings in an account?
Allows the user to view additional function keys.
Shift F12
Quick access to the patient's account in VI-Web
How to find your Value/Occurrence/Condition/Span Codes
1. F7 then CU
2. F7 then UM
What are the 3 types of electronic responses that we can receive from the payer?
1. Negative
2. Neutral
3. Positive
What activity code is used if there is no action needed on the account and we need to allow more time for processing of other departments?