Subject-verb agreement
Simple Past
Vocabulary Skills
Simple Future

Which sentence has correct subject-verb agreement?

1. Doctors help people every day.

2. Dogs is a great pet to have.

3. My family will plans a vacation to Germany.

#1: Doctors help people every day.


What is the past of PLAN?



My dad makes a yummy apple pie every Christmas. I always have 2 slices, and my family fights for leftovers.

What is a synonym for "yummy"?



Use the words to make a question in the future with "will"

where / I / find the teacher

Where will I find the teacher?


choose the correct time expression for the sentence.

Did you visit my house ______ afternoon? I got home from vacation today.

a. yesterday

b. ago

c. tomorrow

a. yesterday


Which sentence has correct subject-verb agreement?

1.Natalie cans eat 100 hot dogs!

2. My favorite soccer team is going to win the game!

3. Nicola and Travis is making together together.

#2: My favorite soccer team is going to win the game!


What is the past of WRITE?



My teacher said that I got the right answers on the test. I got 100%

What is an antonym for "correct"?

incorrect, wrong, error, mistake


Use the words to make a question in the future with "be going to".

we / get ice cream

Are we going to get ice cream?


Which sentence is imperative?

a. Jack likes to go to the beach every day.

b. Sit down and wait, please.

c. Having children is very difficult.

B. Sit down and wait, please.

Imperative sentence= an order/ command


Add the correct suffix (ending) to each verb to make the subject and verb agree (and match the tense!)

Randy ________ (watch) a new movie every week. This week he's going to watch Jurassic Park.

Randy WATCHES a new movie every week.

Every week= habit (simple present)

Randy (singular, third person) = The verb needs an S

watCH= needs -ES 


Change the sentence into negative.

I ate dinner last night.

I didn't eat dinner last night.


Erika said that my food was bland and needed more spices. I seasoned my food with salt and paprika.

From context, what is the meaning of "seasoned"?

a. the time of year

b. add more flavor

c. cook again

B. add more flavor


Complete the sentence with "be going to"

Via (practice, not) ___________ volleyball tonight.

Via isn't going to practice volleyball tonight.


Choose the correct time word for the sentence.

The airplane is going to leave ________ 20 minutes. We need to hurry up!

a. ago

b. soon

c. in

C. The airplane is going to leave in 20 minutes.


Yesterday, I ________ (talk) to my boyfriend on the phone.

Yesterday, I TALKED to my boyfriend on the phone.

yesterday= past

Past suffix for regular verbs = ED


Fix the simple past mistake in the sentence.

Timothy didn't waited for his friends.

Timothy didn't wait for his friends.


I went to my friend's house, and it was a really hot day. I was very thirsty when I arrive, and my friend offered a beverage. Sally offered me water or a coke.

From context, what is the meaning of "beverage"?

a drink


Fix the mistake in the sentence.

When the neighbors will come over?

When will the neighbors come over?


Complete the sentence with the correct form of "have to" or "not have to".

Lucas _________ (buy) a new phone because his other phone broke.

Lucas HAS TO BUY a new phone because his other phone broke.


Which sentence has correct subject-verb agreement?

1. Shelley don't work every day.

2. Jack have to start his presentation.

3. The class isn't going to see a movie together.

#3: The class isn't going to see a movie together.


Change the sentence to a yes/no question. Then, answer the question.

(Linda didn't have a party last month.)

Q: __________________________ ?

A: __________________.

Q: Did Linda have a party last month?

A: No, she didn't.


My weekend was really mundane. I just went to the store and then stayed home and cleaned my house Was your weekend more exciting than mine?

Using context, what is the meaning of "mundane"?

boring, normal, nothing special, not fun or exciting


Fix the mistake in the sentence.

Lumos will to open a new location next year.

Lumos will open a new location next year.


Choose the sentence with the same meaning. It should have correct grammar. 

I wasn't able to play last weekend.

a. I'm not able to play last weekend.

b.I was able to play last weekend.

c. I couldn't play last weekend.

C. I wasn't able to play last weekend./ I couldn't play last weekend

- past, negative

- Could is past of can
