What was Suraqa good at?
How was companionship/friendship demonstrated during Hijrah?
Throught the act of the Ansar by welcoming and supporting the Muhajireen.
What happened to Suraqa when he tried to follow the Prophet?
His horse sank into the sand and threw him off.
What does having tawakkul mean?
To plan and trust Allah.
Why did Suraqa insist on following the prophet?
For the 100 camels.
How did Umm Maabad become muslim?
When she realized how respectful the Prophet and Abu Bakr were and when The Prophet put barakah in the very old goat.
The prophet and his companions stopped at Umm Maabad's tent during what?
Their migration from Mecca to Medina.
list some lessons from Hijrah.
Companionship, environmental matters for growth, opportunities for daawah, etc.