What are the 99 names of Allah Subhana Wata'ala called?
Al Asma ul Husna
What was the name of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ's nurse-mother?
Which cave did Abu Bakr (Radiallahu Anhu) stay in with the Prophet ﷺ when they were escaping Makkah?
Cave Thawr
What was the name of Prophet Hud (عَلَيْهَا السَّلَامُ)'s community?
Name a holy book other than the Quran.
Injil, Tawrat, Zabur
What did Angel Jibril عَلَیهِالسَّلام tell the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to do in the Cave of Hira?
Name one daughter of Abu Bakr (Radiallahu Anhu)
Asma and 'A'ishah
Prophet Hud (عَلَيْهَا السَّلَامُ)'s community continued to worship idols even after Prophet Hud (عَلَيْهَا السَّلَامُ) warned them. How were they destroyed?
A fierce hurricane
Why did Abrahah want to take down the Ka'bah?
He was jealous that pilgrims were going to Makkah to visit the Ka'bah rather than his city in Yemen, even though he built a large church to attract people.
During early Islam, many Muslims were getting abused by the people of Makkah. Where did Prophet ﷺ tell the Muslims to go to?
How long did 'Umar (Radiallahu Anhu) rule as Khalifah?
10 years
Prophet Salih (عَلَيْهَا السَّلَامُ)'s community was Thamud. They demanded to see a sign from Allah Subhana Wata'ala. What was the sign and what ended up happening to the sign?
The sign was a female camel. The people of Thamud ended up killing the female camel.
Which Surah talks about the Year of the Elephant?
Surah al-Fil
Abu Sufyan
Why was 'Uthman (Radiallahu Anhu) called the Possesor of Two Lights?
He married two of the Prophet ﷺ's daughters.
When Musa (عَلَيْهَا السَّلَامُ) left to Mount Sinai after rescuing the Israelites from Firawn, what did the Israelites end up doing?
They made a golden cow and started worshipping it.
Name three things that Islam changed when it came to Arabia.
Burying infant girls, idol worshipping, astrology, fortune telling, lottery, false practices during hajj, rights to women
From which Surah were the first five verses revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?
Surah al-'Alaq
Name the two titles given to 'Ali (Radiallahu Anhu)
Asadullah - Lion of Allah
Babul 'Ilm - Door of Knowledge
What was the Queen of Sheba amazed by in Sulaiman (عَلَيْهَا السَّلَامُ)'s palace?
The palace had glass slabs on the floor and underneath the glass was water. It looked like the entire floor was full of water and the Queen of Sheba lifted up her skirts a little so it would not get wet. But she realized that there was glass on top!