The names of Prophet Muhammad's parents
Who were Abdullah and Amina?
This Prophet built an ark to save his people from a flood
Who was Prophet Nuh a.s?
This Prophet was swallowed by a whale
The book revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW
What is Al-Quran Al-Kareem
The body part in which the wife of Prophet Adam was made out of
What is a rib?
The age Prophet Muhammad SAW was when he became a Prophet
What is 40 years old?
Who was Prophet Hud a.s?
This Prophet was tested with patience after he lost all his kids, wealth, and health
Who was Prophet Ayyub a.s?
The place where Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation.
What is Cave/Ghar Hira, Jabal/Mountain of Noor?
The brother of Prophet Musa a.s?
Who was Prophet Harun a.s?
The names of the kids of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Who were Fatima, Zaynb, Ruqaya, Um Kalthoum, Ibrahim, Abdullah, and Qasim
The Prophet who was given the miracle of a She-Camel
Who was Prophet Saleh a.s?
The father of Prophet Zakariya
Who was Prophet Yahya a.s?
The book given to Prophet Dawood
What was Zabur?
The father son duo that were both wealthy kings
Who were Prophet Dawood and Sulayman?Th
What was the Battle of Uhud?
The name of Prophet Yusuf a.s youngest brother
Who was Binyamin?
3 miracles of Prophet Sulayman
What is speak to animals, communicate with jinn, control the wind?
The present day versions of the Injeel and Tawrah
Injeel - Bible, Tawrah - Torah
The Prophet that went blind out of grief of his son
Who was Prophet Yaqoub a.s?
The name of Prophet Muhammad's transition from Makkah to Madinah
What was the Hijrah?
The nephew of Prophet Ibrahim a.s is
Who was Prophet Lut?
The disease that Prophet Isa a.s could cure
What is leprosy
The names of the 5 holy books in Islam and there owners
What is Zabur-Dawood, Injeel-Isa, Tawrah-Musa, Quran-Muhammad, Suhuf-Ibrahim
The city that Prophet Musa a.s fleed too after he had accidentally killed a man
What is the city of Madyan?