Prefixes + Suffixes
Reading Comprehension

This idiom means to deal with reality.

To face the music.


Give the two meanings of the suffix -er and give one example for each meaning.

1. the person who performs an action (teacher, learner, driver, etc.)

2. more (taller, smarter, larger, etc.)


What two elements do we use to make inferences from a text?

1. Our world (background) knowledge.

2. Textual evidence.


Define the word infamous and use it in a sentence. 

Well known or recognized for something negative. 

The infamous war criminal was locked away. 


List 3 cohesive devices to express contrast.

On the other hand, however, whereas, nevertheless, in contrast, conversely, unlike, alternatively.


This idiom means for something or someone to look or sound familiar.

To ring a bell.


List five words containing the suffix -fy.

Justify, specify, dignify, testify, identify, modify, intensify, diversify.


Emma looked out the window and saw the trees bending with the force of the wind. She quickly gathered the patio furniture and secured the windows.

What is one inference you can make about the weather conditions?

There is a strong wind, possibly indicating an approaching storm.


Give two synonyms for the word inclination.

Tilt, slant, lean. 


Where in the world is the Gateway Arch located? 

In Missouri, United States. 


Complete the sentence using an idiom.

The new intern really ___________. She's always well-prepared and comes up with brilliant ideas!

To be on the ball (is on the ball).


What does the prefix mis- mean? List 3 words containing this suffix.

To do wrong.

Examples: misconnect, misspell, misunderstand, miscommunicate.


Modern scientific and technological developments in the practice of medicine and public health have drawn nursing into new and wider fields of activity, and its functions have been expanded accordingly. Therefore, nursing is no longer limited mainly to activities within the hospital, or to what is called curative nursing. It has become also a community service in which preventive and rehabilitative functions are a vital part of its program. The modern concept of nursing considers the hospital, however central, as only one of many health agencies in the community.

2. One can infer from the passage that:

A) the only reason people go to hospitals is for nursing care
B) most of the nursing practice now takes place in people's homes
C) hospitals are not the only setting where people receive care or support
D) scientific and technological developments can't improve the quality of
        care that is delivered in hospitals
E) nursing care is not vital to the core competency of hospitals any more 

C) hospitals are not the only setting where people receive care or support


What does the word confectioner mean?

Someone who makes or sells candy, cake, or other sweets.


Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb using 'up'.

The teacher speaks way too fast, I just can't __________ with her.

The teacher speaks way too fast, I just can't keep up with her.


This idiom means to hurt someone close to you by secretly betraying them.

To stab someone in the back


Give the part of speech of the suffix -en, the meaning, and 3 examples.

-en (verb)

meaning: to become

examples: weaken, strengthen, enlighten, worsen, lessen.


Using context clues, give the meaning of the word taciturn

The children were as different as day and night. He was a lively conversationalist, but she was reserved and taciturn.

(of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little. 


What does the word acumen mean? Use it in a sentence. 

Strong insight and skill, often related to business.

His sharp business acumen was appreciated and noticed by his superiors.


Give all the forms of the word 'success' and the part of speech.

Success (noun)

Succeed (verb)

Successful (adjective)

Successfully (adverb)


Complete the sentence with an idiom.

I think it is better to __________ and see what happens, let's not jump to conclusions yet.

To sit tight.


Give the part of speech of the suffix -acy and list 4 words containing it.

-acy (noun).

Accuracy, democracy, legacy, delicacy, conspiracy, idiocracy.


People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed. Two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed. The two approaches are very different from one another. The controversy is often referred to as nature and nurture. Those who support the nature side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological and genetic factors. That our environment has little to do with our abilities, characteristics, and behavior is central to this theory. Proponents of the nurture theory claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instinct in determining how we will act. They see humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings. Neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior. In fact, it is quite likely that the key to our behavior lies somewhere between these two extremes. That the controversy will continue for a long time is certain.

1. One can understand from the passage that supporters of the nature theory believe that:

A) environment is important in determining a person's behavior and
B) a person's instincts have little effect on his actions
C) it is impossible to explain why we possess certain characteristics and
exhibit certain behaviors
D) biological reasons have a strong influence on how we act
E) there are a lot of similarities between the two theories

D) biological reasons have a strong influence on how we act


What is the meaning of the word pervasive.

Spread throughout so as to be seen or felt everywhere. Present or noticeable everywhere.

The fear of running out of money is pervasive in the U.S


What is the capital of Mongolia?

