Through the ____ _____ Jesus gave us the means to grow in love and participate in the divine life of God.
Seven Sacraments
In the Old Testament, a person being anointed with holy oil sets them apart to be one of three things. What are the three things?
How are we to be King?
Offer ourselves to others in LOVING service. (Don't just make yourself the center of the world.)
Which doesn't belong with Confirmation:
1. sealed with the Holy Spirit
2. become more like Jesus
3. stronger bond with God and the Church
4. We can get it again to be stronger
5. sent forth to live our faith in the world
#4 is wrong- only receive it once
What is the feast that the Jewish people celebrate to remember when God used Moses to free them from slavery?
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are the three sacraments of ____ _____.
Christian Initiation
How was Jesus a priest, prophet, king?
priest- the sacrifice of his life
prophet- spoke God's message- to love, to forgive, to have faith
king- by his love and care of others
In Baptism, ___ sins and ___ sins are forgiven.
What guides us to do Jesus' mission?
Holy Spirit
What was Jesus celebrating at the Last Supper?
Baptism imprints a ____ _____ _____ on a person's soul. It can only be received once.
permanent spiritual sign
What does the oil anointed on us signify?
The power of the Holy Spirit being poured out on us.
In Baptism we become ____ of God.
Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord (a sense of awe) are known as what?
7 gifts of the Holy Spirit received at Confirmation.
What was instituted (started) at the Last Supper?
the Eucharist
______ perfects the grace of Baptism and also imprints a permanent spiritual mark on the soul.
What is the common priesthood of the faithful mean? (We are all a part of being a priest- but not like Fr. Joe and Fr. Al.)
In Baptism we begin our new life in Christ as members of the Church- also known as what?
The Body of Christ
After the priest does the Eucharistic celebration during Mass, what is the bread and wine?
Jesus- (body, blood, soul and divinity); It is NOT a symbol of Jesus.
What are three actions that take place during Confirmation?
*anointing with sacred chrism
* laying on of the hands by the presider
* the words said
How are we to be a prophet?
To spread the good news of salvation and to bear witness to God's Word, wherever we are.
In Baptism we are _____ with other Christians.
Read the 5 key things about the Eucharist (look for the 5 key point dots)
see page 82