
What does the word range mean in the sentence below?

The airplane flew above a high range.

  1. chain of mountains
  2. star in the night sky
  3. tool for measuring distance
  4. original entrance to a building

chain of mountains


Answer Numbers 6 through 10 on your Answer Sheet. Choose the best answer to complete each analogy.

Glove is to hand as boot is to

  1. ankle.
  2. arm.
  3. face.
  4. foot.


  • foot.

The author's primary source information for the article includes

  1. Sacagawea's journal.
  2. Clark's audio recordings.
  3. personal interviews with Lewis.
  4. both Clark's and Lewis's writings.

4.both Clark's and Lewis's writings.


The author most likely quotes from Lewis and Clark to show

  1. that he has researched the topic.
  2. the real voices of the expedition leaders.
  3. the different writing styles of the two men.
  4. how important it is for everyone to keep a journal.


  • the real voices of the expedition leaders.

What is the best replacement for the words they will in the sentence below?

I think they will offer to clean up.

  1. the'll
  2. thei'll
  3. theyill
  4. they'll


  • they'll

What does the word barrier mean in the sentence below?

Quentin built a barrier around the garden.

  1. something that is used to dig holes
  2. something that is bought at a store
  3. something that is described in detail
  4. something that keeps out unwanted things


  • something that keeps out unwanted things

Breakfast is to lunch as morning is to

  1. afternoon.
  2. midnight.
  3. sunrise.
  4. weekend.



Which sentence from the article supports the idea that the Great Falls of the Missouri River presented a challenge to the expedition?

  1. “The roar of the water was deafening.” 
  2. “Lewis called it, 'the grandest sight I ever beheld.'” 
  3. “William Clark had perhaps the best eyesight of any crew member.” 
  4. “Here the river tumbled down a bluff that was as high as a modern six-story building.”


  • “Here the river tumbled down a bluff that was as high as a modern
    six-story building.”

Lewis wrote, “She jumped up, ran, and embraced him, and threw her blanket over him, and cried profusely.”

What is the most likely reason the author included this sentence from a primary source?

  1. because it communicates the emotion of the moment
  2. because it shows that the article takes place in the past
  3. because it contains more formal language than the author's
  4. because it is a quotation from Lewis rather than Sacagawea


  • because it communicates the emotion of the moment

What is the best replacement for the words He will in the sentence below?

He will never let his team down.

  1. He'll
  2. He's
  3. He'ull
  4. H'ill


  • He'll

What does the word expedition mean in the sentence below?

The explorers went on an expedition to learn more about North America.

  1. journey
  2. caravan
  3. vacation
  4. short trip



Small is to tiny as large is to

  1. huge.
  2. light.
  3. short.
  4. wide.

1. huge


How did Sacagawea's history as a former slave aid Lewis and Clark on their journey?

  1. As a child, she became friends with other explorers.
  2. Her childhood experiences gave her knowledge about the land.
  3. She helped Lewis and Clark find a boat to get across the Great Falls.
  4. She knew the names of all the American Indians Lewis and Clark met.


  • Her childhood experiences gave her knowledge about the land.

Which sentence from the article expresses a main idea?

  1. “Even the Shoshone guide got lost.” 
  2. “Crossing the Rockies proved to be a difficult ordeal.” 
  3. “He waved the banner and walked slowly toward the group.” 
  4. “When the meeting began, Sacagawea stared intently at the chief.”


  • “Crossing the Rockies proved to be a difficult ordeal.”

What is the best replacement for the words she is in the sentence below?

Once she is finished with her presentation, we can go home.

  1. she'd
  2. she'll
  3. she's
  4. she've


  • she's

What does the word edible mean in the sentence below?

In science class, we learned about some edible wild plants.

  1. fit to eat
  2. hard to find
  3. easy to grow
  4. pretty to look at

1.fit to eat


Ear is to hear as mouth is to

  1. feel.
  2. listen.
  3. smell.
  4. taste.

4. taste


Which sentence from the article expresses a main idea?

  1. “Sacagawea won the admiration of the crew.” 
  2. “A chorus of shouts suddenly went up from the camp.” 
  3. “But the chief, Cameahwait, would not part with any of the animals.” 
  4. “Lewis had carried an American flag in his pack for just such a meeting.”


  • “Sacagawea won the admiration of the crew.”

The article and the play both reveal

  1. Clark's interest in learning the Shoshone language.
  2. Sacagawea's role in helping Lewis and Clark get horses.
  3. Lewis's reaction to seeing the Great Falls of the Missouri River.
  4. Chief Cameahwait's unwillingness to speak with Lewis and Clark.


  • Sacagawea's role in helping Lewis and Clark get horses.

What is the best replacement for the word cannot in the sentence below?

Did you know that people cannot open their eyes when they sneeze?

  1. cannot'
  2. cant
  3. can't
  4. ca'nt

3. can't 


What does the word resumed mean in the sentence below?

Nora took a break and then resumed studying for her math test.

  1. read over
  2. began again
  3. worked quietly
  4. asked questions about

2.began again


Soap is to clean as mud is to

  1. dirty.
  2. earth.
  3. rocks.
  4. water.

1. dirty


The Shoshone were suspicious of all outsiders because of their

  1. protective attitude toward women.
  2. long-time conflict with the Blackfeet.
  3. fear of white people stealing their horses.
  4. secret supply of guns and other ammunition.

2.long-time conflict with the Blackfeet.


How are the article and the play different in their accounts of Lewis and Clark?

  1. The play is nonfiction and the article is fiction.
  2. The play discusses the past and the article discusses the present.
  3. The article uses quotes from primary sources and the play does not.
  4. The article talks about Sacagawea's role in the expedition and the play does not.


  • The article uses quotes from primary sources and the play does not.

What is the best replacement for the words will not in the sentence below?

Can anyone figure out why these flowers will not grow?

  1. wan't
  2. willn't
  3. wont
  4. won't

4. won't 
