What two champions activate the hidden passive, "The Hunt is On!"
What is Rengar and Kha'zix
What is Seth's most favorite catchphrase?
What is HEEHAW!
What is the white bull terrier that Lexi wants named?
What is Walter?
Lexi's OTP in League?
What is Syndra.
"Tell me again all the crimes I've committed, and I'll tell you the price of victory."
What is Swain?
Name the champions that can buy special items that only they can buy themselves!
Who is Kalista, Rengar, and Viktor.
Lexi's top 3 favorite champions.
What is Syndra, Xayah, and Yuumi.
What do you say when Aphelios gets a PENTAKILL.
What is "200 Years".
Lexi's favorite ship?
What is Zed x Syndra?
"I will go over there. It looks quiet. It will be nice."
What is Ornn?
The patch Aphelios was added to the game.
What is 9.24?
What is an "Oscar Special?"
"Hurricane Katrina? More like _____!"
What is "Hurricane Tortilla?"
What does Lexi do when she's angry in League?
What is Type aggressively and flame, scream and shout, or blame anyone that's not her.
When banned, this champion says "No cure for fools"
What is Yasuo?
The champion that has the ability, "Unspeakable Horror"
What is Nocturne.
Jon is afraid to play this champion in customs.
What is Akali!
What does the Roblox death noise sound like?
What is "OOF".
What is 1 year?
The champion that says, "Well, a double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining on droplets of moisture in the atmosphere. Does that explain it?"
What is Lux?
This item was added to the game because of Ionia's victory over Noxus.
What is Ionian Boots of Lucidity.
What is the most offensive word to call someone?
What is Illiterate.
Who in the mid lane is toxic and doesn't want us to succeed?
What is Kaffca1.
Lexi's favorite food?
What is Chorizo, Rice, and Cheese UwU
"Well, this is a pretty chill reality."
What is Zoe?