
What is dress code most days of the week?

What are Uniformed shirts, jeans with little to no holes or nice pants (infant room may wear scrubs), closed toe shoes?


What needs to come with you any time you leave your classroom for an emergency?

What is your tablet, backpack, emergency binder, emergency management packet? (And of course the kiddos)


What's the number one way to prevent cold, flu, disease, and sharing all the yucky germs?

What is handwashing? Wash your hands with soap, scrubbing all over and under nails for 30 sec, then rinsing under water. You should wash anytime you serve food, diaper, move rooms, go to the bathroom, wipe a nose, touch your face, look or smell dirty, etc


How often is circle time?

What is twice a day?


What are our enrichment programs?

What are additional activities? We now have several, but are currently offering Kid's kitchen, STEM, and Little Yogis. In the future, we may open Little Picassos and PIM Spanish.


What to do when you miss a time punch?

What is a time punch request on Paylocity?


What can be in the hall?

What is ideally nothing? Only parent boards and pictures on the wall. Once in awhile we can post art, but please make sure it isn't obstructing pathways and looks nicely hung. Please do not put water carts, chairs, or toys in the hall. With winter coming, boots need to have a designated rack or spot in the classroom.

What is the maximum time between diaper changes for all ages?

What is two hours?


Where should your daily schedule be posted?

What are the parent boards and a visible area in the classroom? This can be on a cabinet or near the hallway door. All rooms must have a schedule posted for all to see.


What if you have a super cool fun idea?

Who is Melissa? Melissa is your experience leader. If you can't find us or we are busy, you can find Melissa. Please share your ideas!


How many people work at LGA?

What is over 35 staff?


If a child is bitten, what are the next steps to take?

What are the steps for cleaning the site? All bites should be cleaned with soap and water, especially if it broke skin. If the bite left a mark, it must be documented on an incident. Tell your supervisor/director so we can call the parent!


What is the maximum internal bottle/drink temperature?

What is 98.6 degrees F?


Where can you find educational materials and lesson planning resources?

What is the staff office?


Who is the most translated author of all time?

a. William Shakespeare
b. Hans Christian Anderson
c. Enid Blyton
d. Agatha Christie

What is D, Agatha Christie. The Queen of Crime has 7,233 translations to her name. 


If you need a day off or have an appointment, how long of notice do you give and where do you request it?

What is two weeks? To request time off, use Paylocity to enter the date, time, what kind of time, and notes. If you request time off within a few days or a week it is at risk of being declined.


How do you know something is safe to use in classrooms under 4 years of age?

What is a choke tube? Always ask when introducing new items. We have choke tubes in rooms and the office. Food items are also limited.


How far apart should cots/cribs be from another?

What is 36 inches or 3 feet? Children must sleep on a cot or in a crib. Never the floor.


Which classrooms need separate centers/ designated play space?

What is all classrooms? -even the infant rooms are set up to have centers and a quiet space


How many slices of pizza are eaten in the United States every second?

a. 12 Slices
b. 100 Slices
c. 350 Slices
d. 900 Slices

What is C, 350 Slices of pizza every second. Or 100 acres of pizza a day! 


How do you get benefits?

What is open enrollment? Open enrollment is in your employee navigator as a full-time employee. We will share the date once it opens. You must accept or decline the benefits.


How long should children be outside in the morning or afternoon on a normal 70 degree F day?

What is 30 minutes? At maximum, 45 minutes. If you stay out longer, it should not interfere with another room. This should be structured play with activities.


What needs cleaned and sanitized before and after meals?

What are table, sinks, and Food Prep Area? - any surface that food sits or is served on needs to be cleaned like the tables.


What are observations for?

What are improvement goals? For the room, the teachers, and the kiddos. Assessments will be coming for the kiddos, but we are currently observing all rooms. We handed lead teachers a packet to see what we will be looking for. This is anything from setup, interactions, and things to work on. This is not punishment or discipline for staff.


What is the name of the little dot seen above the ‘j’ and the ‘i’?

a. A Dot
b. A Tittle
c. A Jot
d. A Spot

What is B, a Tittle. The cross seen in ‘t’ is called a jot, so make sure to jot your t’s and tittle your i’s.
