What uniform is only worn by officers or members of a special team? (Color Guard, Sword Arch, etc)
What are Dress Blues/SDB's
What Order to the Sentry contains information about alarms?
What is the command used to get the platoon/company members to go into formation?
What is "Fall In!"
Who is Pete Hegseth?
What is the Secretary of Defense
Who is the CO/Commanding Officer and XO/Executive Officer of our NJROTC unit
Who is Cadet Lieutenant Commander (Melorah) Chavez and Cadet Lieutenant (Royce) Murphrey
What is the Measurement for the Anchor on the Cover?
What is 2 inches from the front and 1.5 inches up
What Order to the Sentry talks about nighttime?
What is the 11th Order to the Sentry
What commands lowers the hand/rifle/sword when cadets have executed a present arms?
What is order arms
Who is the Secretary of the Navy?
Who is the Honorable Terrence Emmert
Who is the 1st Lieutenant of our NJROTC unit?
Who is Cadet Lieutenant Junior Grade (Alexandro) Sanchez
What is a Gig Line/Gig Alignment?
What is how straight the seam of the pants, non-tip end of the buckle, and seam of the shirt are aligned all together and centered on the wearer's body
What Order to the Sentry talks about several different officers and Petty Officers?
What is the 6th Order to the Sentry
What command is executed when marching a color guard to the rear?
What is Countermarch, March
Who is the Area 19 Manager?
Who is Mr. Scott Hanna
Name All 3 Supply Officers with rank and last name
C/LTJG Price, C/ENS Spann, C/PO1 Diaz
What is the regulations for the J-Bar?
What is 1 and 7/8 inch from the tip of the collar, perpendicular to the angle of the imaginary line bisecting the collar point.
What Order to the Sentry mentions a military manner?
What is the 2nd Order to the Sentry
While in Column, what squad leader does the guide position themselves in front of?
What is 3rd Squad leader
Who is the director of the NJROTC program?
Who is Mr. Bruce Nolan
Name all 4 Platoon Commanders with rank and last name.
C/ENS Galbraith,C/ENS Lambert,C/ENS Stone,C/ENS Hatfield
What is positioned so it aligns with the shoulder of the Cadet (no actual numbers)
What general orders mention some type of communication between people?
What is 3,4,7,8,9
What is Attention
Who is the Chief of Naval Operations?
Who is Admiral James W. Kilby?
Name Every Team Commader (with rank and last name)
C/ENS Galbraith (Color Guard),C/LCDR Chavez (Marksmanship), C/ENS Lambert (Unarmed Drill), C/ENS Hatfield (Armed Drill), C/ENS Baca (PT), C/ENS Martinez (PT), C/LTJG Chaffin (Color Guard), C/ENS Galbraith (Drone), C/ENS Hatfield (Drone), C/ENS Garoy (Academic)