When is Lia's birthday?
January 6th 2005
Who is Lia's favorite sister?!
Daniiii (meee)
What was Lia's sport? And what position did she play?
Soccer and striker
Who said 'I Love You" first?
Where did Jacob propose to Lia?
By the lake at Lia's house !
What is Lia's full name? (As of right now hehe)
Lia Marie Waton
What is Jacob's favorite movie?
Jurassic Park 3
What was Lia's first word?
Apple 🍎
Who met the other persons family first?
What show are Lia and Jacob watching together right now?
Grey's Anatomy
What is the name of Lia's first car?
What is Lia's favorite and go-to ice cream flavor with toppings?
Chocolate with chocolate sprinkles!
What was Lia's first real job?
Marino's (A pizza place)
Who noticed who first?
What is the date of Lia and Jacob's engagement?
September 29th 2024
What 2 organs does Lia not have? And how old was she when they were taken out?
Gallbladder and appendix. And 1 week old.
What is Jacob's favorite outdoor hobby?
Fishing 🐡
What age did Lia get braces?
Who's birthday did they celebrate first?
Who did they see in concert in the Fall?
Dylan Gossett.
Which arm was Lia's raspberry on?
What is Lia's #1 most hated food ever?
Chicken pot pie
What did Lia write a song about when she was a kid?
Her ham and cheese sandwich
Who is older?
What did Jacob and Lia make for dinner every day for months?