This is the place where you can search to see what books are in the library.
What is the library catalog?
This section has picture books.
What is the Easy Readers section?
In which section would you find this call number: Fic App?
What is fiction
The best category to help you find adventure books in the catalog
What is subject?
When viewing a book in the catalog, this is the area you find the amount of pages the book has.
What is format/publication information
This is where or how you can use the library catalog.
Where is on the computer or online?
This sections has books like dictionaries.
What is the reference section?
In which section would you find this call number: B Carver
What is Biographies
The best category to find a book about bumblebees
What is keyword?
This is the area in the catalog where you find the year a book was published.
What is publication info?
This is the name of the library catalog.
What is Follett Destiny?
This section has books about real people.
What is the biographies section?
If you are looking for the next Magic Treehouse book, which category would you use?
What is series?
If a book says "Local Copies Available: 0 of 2" can you check out that book? Why or why not?
No, the book is checked out.
I can tell a book is available in the library because that catalog will show...
the number of available copies
This section has books that have facts.
What is the nonfiction section?
In which section would you find this call number: E MAR?
What is Easy Readers
If you only wanted to see ONLY Bones books, which category would you use?
What is series?
When looking for a certain topic (ex. apples), this is where you will find the TOTAL number of books the library has for that topic.
What is the top of the page under "Titles"
These are the names of the five catalog categories.
What is Keyword, Title, Author, Subject, and Series
This section is where you can find new books
What is the front of the library/ new book section
In which section would you find this call number: 567.987 HOL?
What is nonfiction
If you are looking for books about dolphins, which category would you use?
What is keyword?
When you click on a book in the catalog, this area is where you can find the AR level.
What is the Quiz Info?