This is the place where you can search to see what books are in the library.
What is the library catalog?
This section has picture books.
What is the Easy Reader/ Easy Books section?
In which section would you find this call number: FIC Ade?
You use this to find books in the library.
What is the library catalog.
This is where you can use the library catalog.
Where is on the computer or online?
This sections has chapter books.
What is the fiction section?
In which section would you find this call number: E Lee
Easy Readers
This is where the magazines are kept.
The spinning rack
This is the name of the library catalog.
What is Follett Destiny?
This section has books written from the author's imagination.
What is the Fiction section?
You use this to find books in the library. It's like a books address.
What is a call number?
You look at this part of the book to find the call number.
What is the spine?
This section has books that have facts.
What is the nonfiction section?
This is the name of the white square that the call number is on on the spine.
What is the spine label?
These are the five categories of the library catalog?
Keyword, Title, Author, Subject, and Series
This is where you find poetry books?
What is nonfiction section?
In which section would you find this call number: 567.987 HOL?
This is where you find a book about Harriet Tubman.
What is biographies?