Name one of the library databases.
What is Britannica Online? (Trueflix, WorldBooks Scholastic Go are also acceptable answers)
What books comes in an A-Z format and are packed with facts?
What is a Encyclopedia ?
What do we click on to access the library databases?
What is the SEEK?
True or False: Books with a Dewey number are classified as fiction books:
What is False?
You can find the definition, and spelling of a word in?
What is a dictionary?
Books that show maps of the world.
What is an atlas?
This is a picture book.
What is an Easy Read book?
This book contains synonyms and antonyms
What is the thesaurus?
Fill in the blank using the following citation example: Author's last name, Author's first name. Title of book. City of publication: __________________, copyright date.
What is publisher?
How many categories are in the DDS?
What is 10?
What book shows the population of a city?
What is an almanac?
Name the author of the Brown Bear Brown Bear.
Who is Eric Carle?