Library Materials
Circulation Desk
Library Info.

Can you use a computer at the library?

  • Yes, we have computers you can use to browse the internet, do homework, or play educational games.

How should I mark my place in my library book?

Always use a bookmark. Never "dog-ear" the page or write in the book


When you come in, please say hello and ask us if you need help with anything. Who are we?

The library staff - anyone who works here. We will be happy to help you


How long do you get to keep a book when you check it out?

14 days - 2 weeks


How do you speak in the library, and why?

Use a soft, inside voice. This way you will not disturb others who may be studying or reading


What should I keep my library books away from?

Food, drinks, small children and pets


Where do you go to check out, return, or renew books?

The circulation desk - the front desk

You can also go there with any question you may have


If you are not finished with your book when it is due, you would need to do what?

Renew your book. Each book comes with 2 renewals. You can do this on our app, call us, or come in. 


Something that should be done before leaving the library?

Clean up after yourself. Push in chairs, put away supplies and toys


Where do you put your books that you do not want to check out?

Please take them to the front desk (book drop)


Why is it important to wait our turn when checking out books, or asking questions at the library?

It shows respect for others who are also waiting. Taking turns helps everyone have a fair chance to get what they need. Plus, it keeps things organized and peaceful, making the library a nice place for everyone!


How expensive is a library card?

It is FREE!


What is a library fine?

A library fine is money you have to pay if you return a book late. It encourages people to return books on time so others can borrow them.


How do you find out if the library has a book you are looking for?

Look it up in the catalog computer, or ask a librarian

If you do not know how to use the catalog computer, we will be happy to show you


What do I do if I damage or lose a book?

Please talk to the Librarian. Sometimes the book may be able to be fixed. Be honest an responsible. 



Children must be 10 years old to be left unattended in the library.

FALSE. Our policy states that a child must be 13 or older to be in the library without supervision


Why should you take care of the library and our books and equipment?

The library belongs to the entire community to use and enjoy. 


What can you borrow from the library?

You not only can borrow books, but audiobooks, VOX books, Chromebooks, tablets, Launchpads, DVD's, the Atlanta Zoo pass, Park passes, museum passes, and much more.


How can you help keep the library a nice place for everyone?

I can help by being quiet, putting books back in the right place, and respecting the space. I can also follow the rules and be polite to others in the library.


Do you have to have a library card to attend library programs?

No. We welcome everyone to our programs whether they have a library card, or not.
