Technology books are found in this section of the library.
What is non-fiction/600 section?
Books that are made up/not true.
What is Fiction?
A type of literature, or artistic writing, that attempts to stir a reader's imagination or emotions. Often times uses rhythm and rhyme
What is Poetry?
Religion books are found in this section.
What is the 200 section?
A person that writes books.
What is an Author?
You can find books about Natural Science in this section.
What is Non-fiction/500 section?
Made up stories based on real events in history.
What is Historical Fiction?
Stories set in the future relating to science and technology.
What is Science Fiction?
Literature books are found in this section.
What is the 800 section?
When you do not turn in your books on time.
What is overdue?
You would find the Dog Man series in this section.
What is Graphic Novels?
The account of someone's life written by themselves.
What is an Autobiography?
Made up stories that could happen in real life, but with a magical element.
What is Fantasy?
Languages are found in this section.
What is the 400 sections?
We organize the library by this system.
What is the Dewey Decimal System?
You would find a book about a talking cat in this section.
What is fiction?
The story of another person's life written by someone else.
What is Biography?
Made up stories with secrets and characters trying to find answers.
What is Mystery?
Graphic Novels are found here.
What is the 741.5 section?
When you borrow a book for an additional 2 weeks it is called this.
What is renew?
You would find a book about President Lincoln in this section.
What is the 900/History section
Made up stories that have characters and situations that could happen in real life.
What is Realistic Fiction?
Stories that involve magical and imaginary beings and lands are in the Non-Fiction section of Social Science.
What are Fairy Tales?
General knowledge is found here.
What is 000 section?
The librarian’s desk is called this.
What is a Circulation Desk?