Where do I put my library book when I come into the library?
On the red cart.
Where is the safest place for me to keep my library book?
My backpack!
Who do I need to see to check out my library book?
Ms. Sue
Do you have to be silent in the library?
What are the 3 R's in the library?
Ready to Learn
If I have finished my snack, what should I do before reading my library book?
Wash my hands.
How many books may I check out from the library?
2 at a time.
What voice level should you have when the teacher is talking?
When do I need a shelf marker?
Whenever I am taking a book from the shelf to look at it.
How long can you keep a library book?
One week. If you have not finished your book and need to renew it, you may renew it for one more week.
What do you do after you have checked out your library book?
Find a quiet spot and read!
What voice level should you use when you are working at your table with your friends?
1 or 2
Why is it important for us to know who is in the library? Why does Mrs. McConnell take attendance?
So that Mrs. McConnell and Ms. Sue can keep us safe. We need to know for our safety drills also.
What is one kind of library book disaster?
Water, animal damage, ripping or tearing of the book or pages, and coloring on pages.
What do you do if you took a book from the shelf but do not remember where it came from?
That won't happen if you use a shelf marker, but if it does happen, give it to Mrs. McConnell or Ms. Sue.
What voice level should you use when you are trying to share information with the whole class?
3-Class Voice
What voice level do you use when we are having a fire drill or any other safety drill? Why?
Level 0 because we may need to hear important instructions.
How can I mark my place in a book if I need to stop reading?
Use a book mark. Never fold the page or lay the book with the spine up.
What happens if you ruin a library book?
If Mrs. McConnell or Ms. Sue cannot fix it, then you will need to pay for a new book for our library.
Where can you use a level 4 voice?