Voice Level
What is level 0
What is Social Sciences?
Baby Frog
What is tadpole?
Last letter added to the alphabet
What is the letter J?
Book Return
What is one week?
What is technology?
Largest mammal
What is Blue Whale?
Animal that can not stick its tongue out
What is crocodile?
Place Holder
What is book mark?
What is Philosophy & Psychology?
Loudest animal on earth
What is Sperm Whale?
Where can you buy a square watermelon
What is Japan?
Can not to do this without getting a new book
What is return book?
What is general information?
Animal that can not look up in the sky
What is a pig?
Play dough was originally used as
What is wall paper cleaner?
Golden rule
What is do not put checked out book back on the shelf?
What is History and Geography?
Can run faster than a man
What is a hippopotamus?
You can't do this with your eyes open
What is a sneeze?