What is the name of our class pet?
What is the call number on our Biographies?
Where do we go to look up books on the computer?
Hint: it is no longer Owl Beginner
Library Catalog
What does a book win the Caldecott award for?
The Illustrations
What do we call books that are made up or make believe?
What are the names of our library fish?
Bob and Rocket
What is one book that Mrs. McGreevy has read to you this year?
Answers will vary
What is the call number for our Graphic novels?
What do we do at the end of Library?
Mystery Box
Three facts about the Caldecott Award
Has to be published in the United States
Is given to the Illustrator
Has to be Published the Year Prior
Name one book that won a Caldecott Award
Home in a Lunchbox...
How many books can you check out at once?