Where do I go online to find a book title in this library or to read a book online?
What happens when you take a book of the shelf without a shelf marker?
You have to check it out.
How do we sit in our chairs?
With all 4 legs on the floor.
When can you check out Graphic Novels?
Every other week when the sign has your grade level on it.
Where would you find books about animals?
In the non-fiction section, 500's.
What is a nonfiction book?
A book written with true facts
Where do we find Non-Fiction books?
Along the far walls of the Library
In which genre would Dork Diaries or Diary of a Wimpy Kid be found?
Graphic Novel
What section in the library would I go to if I want a picture book to read for fun?
E for Easy books
What is the noise level expectations?
Voice Level 0-1
Stories that are made up from the author's imagination.
What letters do the call number of a Beginning fiction book start with?
When looking for books on the shelf, or putting them back what should the book spines be lined up with?
The front of the shelf or edge.
Do you go behind my desk or other back rooms?
What type of books are in the front of the library on the square shape stand when you enter?
New books!
Where do we turn in our library books?
Check in on computer. Put on the cart spine up.
When you want to take a book of the shelf, what do you do?
Use a red shelf marker.
What do we do during an evacuation?
Line up quietly and follow Mrs. Larson to evacuation place.
What are biographies and where do you find them?
True stories written about a person's life by someone else. The shelves on the dark blue wall.
What do we do in a lock down?
Sit with heads down and no talking.
How are the fiction books arranged in the library?
By Genre and then by author's last name
How do you tell if it is a Non- Fiction Book?
The spine label will start with numbers, then the authors first 3 letters of their last name.
How many genres do we have in the fiction section?
What do we do during a fire drill?
Line up in one line quietly and follow Mrs. Larson to the back of the school. Do NOT talk while walking.
Illegally copying someone else's work without citing your source or trying to pass it off as if it were your own work is called what?