Library Vocabulary
Chris Van Allsburg
Patricia Polacco
This is the person who draws the pictures in a book.
What is the illustrator?
This is what the ants in Two Bad Ants thought was a brown lake of bitter liquid.
What is coffee?
When looking up a book on Spectrum, if you click on a title and it says 222 p that means that the book has...
What is 222 pages?
in Appelemando's Dreams, this happened when Appelemando dreamed after it rained.
What is the dreams stuck to the buildings?
In the Polar Express, this was the first gift of Christmas.
What is the bell from the reindeer's harness
This is a book about someone's life that is written by the person it is about.
What is an autobiography?
This is where Fritz was hiding in the book Jumanji.
What is a pull toy in a child's home?
What are 3 ways we can look up a book on Spectrum?
by author, by title and by subject
In For the Love of Autumn, this was how Danielle(the teacher) and the other person who was taking care of Autumn,get notes to each other.
What is they attached the notes to Autumn's collar?
In Ben's Dream, near what landmark did Ben see his friend looking out her house window?
What is the Sphinx?
The difference between a glossary and an index is this...
What is a glossary is at the back of the book and tells the meaninga of the more challenging words. The index is in the back of the book and gives the subjects in alphabetical order and the page numbers.
What did the magician tell Alan that he changed Fritz into?
What is a duck?
If a call number says 636.7 COO, is the book fiction or nonfiction?
What is nonfiction.
In Appelemando's Dreams, this is the message that Appelmando sent when the children were lost in the woods.
What is help us?
Why does VanAllsburg put Fritz in all of his books?
What is in memory of his sister's dog who passed away who he used in his first book?
This is where we go to check out our books.
What is the circulation desk?
In the book, The Garden of Abdul Gasazi, what did Fritz like to take from Alan?
What is his hat?
When you look up a book on Spectrum and you click on a title, you may see for the number of copies 2/3. what does that mean?
There are 3 copies of the book. Two copies are currently in the library and one is checked out.
In Dear Mr. Faulker, why was Trisha crying during recess?
What is a bully was teasing her?
What landmark was built by hand at different times and was constructed to keep out invaders?
What is the Great Wall of China?
What is the word circulation, in a library, mean?
What is the process of checking out and returning books?
Chris Van Allsburg uses a lot of comparisons using "like" or "as" in his books. What do we call those comparisons?
What is similes?
After you look up a book on Spectrum, you should use a call slip. Why?
What is to write down the information such as the call number, author and title so you can use it to find the book on the shelf.
Who was the little girl Trisha, in Thank You Mr. Faulker, based on in real life?
What is Patricia Polacco?
Put the following words in alphabetical order: deer delete defend deep degree
What is deer, deep, defend,degree,delete