What does OCIO stand for?
Office of the Chief Information Officer
What does LCSG Stand for (in LCSG Operations)?
Library Collections and Services Group
Since 2020, what percentage of tweets does the Library hold in its archives?
Who/what country gifted the city of Washington, DC the cherry trees to as a gesture of friendship in 1912?
The Mayor of Tokyo, Japan
In what division would one find the world's largest cartographic materials?
The Library's Geography and Map Division holds more than 5.6 million items, the world's largest collection of cartographic materials. It has the largest collection of fire-insurance maps of cities and towns in the United States, providing unparalleled coverage of the growth of urban America from the late 19th to the mid-20th centuries. The collection also includes the 1507 world map by Martin Waldseemüller, known as "America’s Birth Certificate," the first document on which the name "America" appears.
What does ALA stand for?
American Library Association
Which legislative department within the LOC is responsible for supporting lawmakers through every step of the lawmaking process?
The Congressional Research Service
How many years is in a term for the Librarian of Congress?
10 years
Why is the Washington Monument two different colors?
Funding dried up halfway through the project, and when construction resumed, builders used different-colored stones from a quarry.
What is the reference we use to demonstrate just how small "Old King Cole" is?
It's about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
What does NAVCC stand for?
National Audio-Visual Conservation Center
Who is the Principal Deputy Librarian of Congress?
Mark Sweeney
Who won the 2023 Gershwin Prize for Most Popular Song?
Joni Mitchell
What is the unique character that The National Cathedral features among of its gargoyles?
Darth Vader
Part of Hidden Treasures at the Library of Congress:
On January 5, 1502, prior to his fourth and final voyage to America, ____ gathered several judges and notaries in his home in Seville. The purpose? To have them authorize copies of his archival collection of original documents through which Isabel and Fernando had granted titles, revenues, powers and privileges to ____ and his descendants. These 36 documents are popularly called "_____'s Book of Privileges." Four copies of his "Book" existed in 1502, three written on vellum and one on paper. The Library's copy, one of the three on vellum, has a unique paper copy of the Papal Bull Dudum siquidem of September 26, 1493, which extended the Spanish claim for future explorations.
In "AHHA Internship Program," what does 'AHHA' stand for?
Archives, History and Heritage Advanced... Internship Program
*These applications are now open!! I will send the link in the thank you email.
The American Law division is part of which larger office: The Congressional Research Service, the Law Library, Discovery & Preservation Services, or the United States Copyright Office?
The Congressional Research Service
How many librarians of Congress have been actual librarians?
Only three!
When nominating someone to head the largest library in the world, presidents rarely choose actual librarians. They’re more likely to select a scholar, historian, or some other veteran of academia for the job. Of the 14 Librarians of Congress we’ve had, current title-holder Carla Hayden is one of just three to come into the role with prior librarian experience. (She is also the first woman and the first African American to hold the job.) On top of running the world’s largest library, Hayden is also responsible for managing relations with Congress, selecting the Poet Laureate, and overseeing the U.S. Copyright Office.
In the spring of 1999, officials investigated reports that vandals had cut down four cherry trees and five white cedars in Washington, DC. Who did the"vandals" turn out to be?
A pair of beavers
Name four of the nine articles that were found in Lincoln's pockets when he was assassinated.
Two pairs of spectacles (a larger pair and a folding one), a lens polisher, a pocketknife, a watch fob, a linen handkerchief, a brown leather wallet containing a five-dollar Confederate note, and eight newspaper clippings.
What does NLS stand for?
(Hint: there's more words than letters...)
Fill in the blank: Copyright ____ Board
Who first proposed the Library of Congress?
James Madison.
Seventeen years prior to the LOC's official formation, James Madison proposed the idea of a special library for Congress. He planted the idea as a Continental Congress member in 1783 when he suggested compiling a list of books to which lawmakers could refer. As president, Madison approved the purchase of Jefferson’s personal library in 1814.
Residents of Washington, DC, could not vote in presidential elections until ____ was ratified in ____?
*Choose one blank for me to fill in for you
The 23rd Amendment was ratified in 1961
Where is the library's oldest PRINTED book housed?
It is one of the oldest examples of printing in the world – printed in 770 A.D.
passages from a Buddhist sutra, or discourse, is housed in the Library’s Asian Division.
*The oldest WRITTEN material in the Library is a cuneiform tablet dating from 2040 B.C.