All books that start with the call number FIC are classified as this.
You must have this to come to the library without a class.
A partnership that allows students to receive library materials from Nashville Public Library
Limitless Libraries
The number of items you can have checked out at one time
Author's last name
The library opens at this time every morning.
The time after which an item turns to Lost status
30 days
The Dewey Decimal System is the 000-999s classification system we use for these types of books.
The time you report computer issues to Ms. Edgens
This section includes books with older characters or more serious subject or themes
YA Fiction
The name of the place where Ms. Edgens checks out your items
Circulation desk
The call number starts with 741.5 but you can't find them in the 700s section.
Graphic novels and manga
The voice level for the library
0, 1, or 2
The type of books on display around the library
New items
If your book is due but you haven't finished reading, you must do this
Renew it/check it out again
What are the three letters that follow FIC in the call number for a novel?
First three letters of the author's last name
What you need to visit the Library during lunch
Note from your PLT teacher
You can read and listen to these at the same time.
Wonder Books
The two things you need when checking out from Limitless Libraries
Your student ID number (190....) and your 4-digit birthday (MMDD), ex; 0626