Quietly and ready to sign in.
What is the proper way to enter the room?
A bookmark.
How should I mark my place in my library book?
Bring books to one of the two circulation desks to be checked back in.
Where should I put the books I'm bringing back to the library?
digital footprints.
What is a trail of digital information that we leave behind us when we do anything online?
You are allowed to keep your book for this amount of time.
What is two weeks?
Library books to return and any material you may need to complete assigned work.
What should I bring to the library with me?
Wash your hands.
What should I do before reading my library book?
bring back in the same condition you took them.
How should I return books to the library?
log out.
What you should always do after you are done using your account on shared computers?
If you're not finished with your book, you would need to do this.
What is renewing?
What voice level should we use when entering the library?
In a backpack.
Where should I put my library books in order to keep them from being lost or stolen?
Put books here if you find them in the wrong place or you decide you do not want to checkbook out.
What is the book cart?
delete it.
What you should do if you ever feel you don't want a post online?
Computers may be used only for this purpose.
What is destiny, google drive, myOn or library related approved webistes?
In the book drop!
Where books go if you need to check them in but are not going to check another book out?
The book is checked out in your name and it is your responsibility.
Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?
Sit here when you are finished checking out your books.
What is the first floor of the library?
always use the THINK method.
What you should do before you post online?
You will need to do this if you lose or damage a book.
What is pay for it?
Designated areas on the first floor of the library only.
Where can I sit when wanting to read a book in the library?
Pets, small children, and water.
What should I keep my book away from?
others may lose my book and I will have to pay for the lost book to clear my record.
Why I should never allowed others to return books for me?
embarrassing, rude, or mean posts
What I should not post on any social media websites?
So others can use it too.
Why should I take care of the library's equipment?