What is the proper way to enter the room?
By taking a seat at either the tables or the rug and turning your voices off so you are ready to listen to instructions.
How should I mark my place in my library book?
A bookmark
If you have overdue books and are not able to check out what is available for you to do?
You can read an Honor Library book!
What is Level Zero?
Voices are off and you are ready to listen.
How long do you get to keep your library book?
One Week or until your next library class.
What should I bring to the library with me?
Nothing except the books you need to return. (Backpacks if I dismiss you).
What should I do before reading my library book?
Wash your hands.
What is a shelf marker?
A shelf "bookmark" to help you put books back where they go and your ticket to check out a book.
What is Level One?
Whispering voices
Is it ever appropriate to be throwing library materials around the room?
NO! If this is a continual problem your class will loose their ability to use my supplies
What voice level should we use when entering the library?
Level Zero - Voices should be off and you should be ready to listen to instructions
Where should I put my books when I take them home?
In your backpack
What should you do if you find a book in the wrong place or don't know where to put a book back?
Bring them to Ms. Hicks! She will put them back.
What is Level 2?
Partner Voices - Only the people directly next to you should be able to hear your conversation
How should you leave my writing materials at the center of each table before you leave?
Exactly how you found them or better!
Where do books go if you need to check them in on library class day or are bringing them for your class?
On the check out counter!
Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?
The book is checked out in your name and it is your responsibility. If someone else damages your book it is still your responsibility.
What should you do once you finish checking out?
Sit in your assigned seat (tables or rug) and read your book until everyone is finished!
What is Level Three?
Group Voices - Speaking voices when asking or answering a question intended for the whole class
If you damage or loose your library book what are your options?
Pay for the fine in the office or bring in a like new book appropriate for an elementary school library to replace the missing/damaged book.
Where should I sit?
At the tables or on the rug based on Ms. Hicks' instructions at the door and your grade level.
What should I keep my book away from?
Pets, small children, water, and food.
When you are in line to check out what voice level should you be using?
Level 1 - Whisper! Ms. Hicks needs to be able to hear the person at the front of the line.
Should you ever use outside voices in the library?
Why should I take care of the library's equipment?
So everyone who comes to the library is able to use the supplies!