Walk to your assigned seat.
What is the proper way to enter the room?
A bookmark.
How should I mark my place in my library book?
Drop them into the book return bin to be checked back in.
Where should I put the books I'm bringing back to the library?
Indoor Voice
Which voice do we use in library?
Put them back on the shelves where you fond them.
Where to leave the books if I don't want to borrow them?
Nothing except books you want to check in or books to read during your free reading time.
What should I bring to the library with me?
2 books each time.
How many books can I check out each time?
We use this voice level when we are doing partner work in library class.
What is Level Two 'Partner Talk'? When do we use this voice?
In a backpack.
Where should I put my books when I take them home?
2 weeks
How long can I keep my library books?
Use this voice level only when we are reading or speaking to the entire class.
When do we use level four 'Strong Speaker' voice?
Library computers may never be used to do this.
Can we play games with library computers?
In the book return box!
Where do books go if you need to check them in on library class day?
The book is checked out in your name and it is your responsibility.
Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?
These books have been borrowed for more than 2 weeks and needs to be return asap.
What are overdue books?
Use this voice level when we have something to share with our friends in the library.
What is Level 1 "Whisper"?
You will need to do this if you lose or damage a book.
What is pay for it?
In your assigned seat. Always.
Where should I sit?
Pets, small children, and water.
What should I keep my book away from?
I cannot borrow any new books until I return my overdue books.
What will happen if I have overdue books?
Use this voice level on silent reading days.
What is Level Zero?