Books with imaginary events and characters.
What is fiction?
Bring them to the circulation desk or put them in the book return crate.
Where should I put the books I'm bringing back to the library?
Library section organized using the Dewey Decimal System.
What is the Non Fiction section?
Any document or media content that presents true and accurate information.
What is nonfiction?
Outside, near or in water and with my little siblings.
Where should I not leave my library book?
What is how many books can I check out?
Organized alphabetically by author's last name.
What is the Fiction section?
If you're not finished with your book, you would need to do this.
What is renew?
This literary genre takes place in the past, has some real events and people but also contains made up details.
What is historical fiction?
Put books here if you find them in the wrong place.
What is the book return crate or the re-shelve cart?
Use these materials only in the library.
What is Reference?
Always do this when using your email on a library computer.
What is sign out?
A type of literature that stirs imagination or emotions. It can rhyme but doesn't have to.
What is poetry?
Sit here when you are finished checking out or when you arrive or get ready to leave class.
What is your assigned seat?
Use this to find books in the library. HINT: It's on the book's spine.
What is a call number?
What is fantasy?
Folding the corner of a book back to mark your place.
What does it mean to dog ear a page?
Computers may be used for this in the library.
What is Destiny, AR tests or research?
811 Fro, 200 Bur or 741.5 Pil are examples.
What is a non-fiction book's call number?
So others can borrow the books too.
Why should I return my books on time?