What is the proper way to enter the room?
Walk to the steps and sit down.
How should I mark my place in my library book?
A bookmark.
Where should I put the books that I'm returning to the library?
Drop them in the Book Bin.
What is your voice level while working with a partner?
Level 1.
How long are you allowed to keep your book for?
Two weeks.
What should we do with our hands and feet on the steps?
Keep our hands to ourselves and our feet quiet.
What should I do with my hands before reading my library book?
Wash your hands.
What is a shelf marker?
Use this to help keep our shelves neat.
When am I allowed to leave the Library?
When I ASK MRS MCCOY to use the bathroom or get a drink.
What is renewing?
If you're not finished with your book, you would need to do this.
What voice level should we use when entering the library?
Where should I put my books when I take them home?
In a safe place, like a shelf or backpack.
Where do you put books if you find them in the wrong place?
The book drop.
How are you moving about the Library?
I'm walking. ALWAYS!
What may I NOT use the library computers for?
Play games, watch Youtube, or be on any other website other than the library catalog.
Where do books go if you are returning them on library class day?
In the book drop!
Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?
The book is checked out in your name and it is your responsibility.
How do we wait to check out a book?
Quietly in a line. We keep our hands to ourselves.
What do I do when the five minute warning is given?
Clean up on and under my table. Check out a book.
What will you need to do this if you lose or damage a book?
Pay for it.
Where should I sit?
On the steps.
What should I keep my book away from?
Pets, small children, and water.
What do we do before we are excused from class?
Clean up our area and sit at our table quietly.
Do you line up when your teacher comes to get you?
No. You sit in your seat at your table and wait to be excused.
Why should I take care of the library's equipment?
So others can use it too.