Use this voice level when you enter the library.
What is Level Zero?
You are allowed to keep your book for this amount of time.
What is four weeks?
Nothing except books you want to check in or books to read on silent reading days.
What should I bring to the library with me?
Hands down, mouths off, eyes looking at the teacher.
When Mrs. McCoy gives instructions?
Library computers may never be used to do this.
What is play games, watch youtube, access any other website besides the catalog?
In the book drop!
Where do books go if you need to check them in on library class day?
Sit here when you are finished checking out.
What is your seat?
Activities we do not do in the library.
What is play tag, hide and seek, catch, etc?
In a chair at a table.
Where should I sit?
Mrs. McCoy?
Who is the best librarian ever?
The way we behave in the Library.
What is Respectful?