The CMS Media Center opens every morning at this time
8:00 AM
This is the maximum number of books that a student is normally allowed to checkout at one time.
3 (Three)
Coach Terry
This football team won the Super Bowl in 2018.
Philadelphia Eagles
Books that are made up stories or stories not entirely based on facts are located in this section of the media center.
The CMS media center closes every day at this time
4:00 PM
Two weeks.
She is the teacher and sponsor of the CMS Chorus program.
Ms. Gibson
This bird is the "state bird" of Georgia
Brown thrasher
If I am trying to find the book Spy Camp by Stuart Gibbs, I would look in the Fiction section under this letter of the alphabet.
To go the media center during the day, a student needs to have these 2 things.
(1) A signed pass
(2) A purpose
When I return books to the media center, this is where I should put them.
Book drop
How do I know if the book is in my reading level range?
I can find the reading level on Destiny.
This classic movie contains the line "There's no place like home"
The Wizard of Oz
The section in the media center that has books about famous people is called this.
If I want to come to the media center often in the morning, I should get one of these from her.
A permanent pass.
If I lose or damage a media center book, this is how much I will be expected to pay.
Replacement cost.
Chamblee Middle School opened in its current location in this year.
Magazines, DVDs, and Reference Books can be checked out for this long.
This is the earliest time that I am allowed to leave from the media center to go to class if I come with a pass before school.
8:25 (to 8:30)
If I am not finished with a book on the date that it is due, I should do this.
Renew it.
This is the name of the musical that Chamblee Middle School put on last Spring.
Hairspray (Hairspray Jr.)
If Ms. Gurin is with a class and I want to check out, what should I do?
Put my name on a piece of paper, put it in the book and place it in a cubbie under the TV. Come back later to pick it up.
Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist and Pokemon are examples of this type of book.
Manga (graphic novels, comic books)