Walk in quietly then sit at the tables.
What is the proper way to enter the library?
I use this to remember my page if I'm not reading my book.
What is a bookmark?
Renew it (check it out again) if I'm not finished reading it?
What is, this is what happens if I'm not finished with my book in two weeks?
Includes all tables, chairs, carpet, rugs, computers, and books in the library.
What is take care of all library equipment and keep it clean?
Nonfiction books
What is, what are books that are contain real facts?
What if I don't know where a book belongs on the shelf?
Before reading my book, I should do this with my hands.
What is wash my hands?
How to use a book mark?
Your book mark hold the book's spot when you're not reading it.
one week
What is, how long books are checked out?
Spine facing out with the call number at the bottom.
All books should be placed this way on the shelves
Put your books in the book return.
Where do we put books to be checked-in/returned?
I should never try to _______ the book.
What is repair the book?
I can find the reading level on Destiny.
Filter icon and click on Accelerated Reader then look for reading range
Not allowed to checkout any books.
What is, when books are not returned after two weeks?
What is, books that are based on make believe stories?
I should raise my hand
What is, how I ask a question?do I do if I want to ask or answer a question?
Because the book has been checked out in your name it is your responsibility.
Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?
True or False There is only one student at the circulation desk at a time.
Students, teachers administrators.
Everyone can check out materials.
Books on top of the shelves
What is, books that I can check out.
When you see a book on the floor or you don't know where the book belongs
Pick it up and place it in the book basket or book return box.
Other students will not take care of book and they may not return the book to you.
What is don't allow other students to borrow your book?
DESTINY tells you what
The catalog tells you what is available and checked out in the library
The librarian and library assistant
Easy section, fiction section, nonfiction section, biography section, and Reference section.
What are the sections in the library?