Library Rules
Book Care Rules
Checkout Rules
Library Layout

What voice level should you enter the library with and use when Mrs. Wilson is talking or reading?

What is voice level 0?


How do you hold your book while walking with it?

What is with two hands in front of you?


How many books may you check out?

What is three books?


What are 4 of the main sections of our library collection?

What is Picture Books, Fiction, Nonfiction, Star Fiction or Short Chapter Fiction, Easy Fiction, Easy Nonfiction, Battle of the Books, Chinese, Spanish, Reference?


What are the three rules we follow in the library?

What is be safe, be responsible, be respectful?


What are the two most common ways that books get damaged?

What is water and pets


Where do you line up to check out your book and how do you hold your book?

What is in a straight ABC order line by the circulation desk, holding books with the back cover on top?


What is one section that you may not check out books from?

What is Reference or the Teacher Collection (TEA)?


Where do you put your books after you have returned them at the computer with Mrs. Wilson?

What is exactly where they belong on the shelf?


What should you do if you damage or lose your book?

What is tell Mrs. Wilson?


How many books do you have to check out?

What is at least one?


How are Fiction and Picture Books categorized/organized on the shelves?

What is by the author's last name?


When moving throughout the library, what should your feet always be doing?

What is walking?


Is it ok to put wet books back on the shelf, even if they are now dry?

What is no?


After you choose your new books, what should you do?

What is read silently in the Kiva?


What is the name of the system we use to organize our Nonfiction books that is based on keeping books on the same subject together on the shelves?

What is Dewey Decimal System?


When it is time to line up, what should the line look like and sound like?

What is line up in ABC order at the door at a voice level 0?


What are two places you can keep your books when you are not reading them?

What is in your backpack or on a shelf/designated spot where pets and siblings cannot get to them, or you may keep them in your classroom.


What tool can you use to help you find books you want to read?

What are the computers, called Researchers?


How many letters of the author's last name are found on the spine label of the books in our Fiction section?

What is three?
