What do you do when you have something to say or have a question?
Raise your hand
How long are books checked out for?
2 weeks
True or false:
The stuffies stay where they are, like book guards
What's the name of the tool you use to keep your place while you decide if you want a book?
Shelf marker
(It's a ruler that we use help stay organized)
What leader habit says you should do your work before you goof off?
Habit 3:
Put first things First
What volume level should you use in the library?
Use a number 0-10
0, 1, or 2
What should you do if you have REALLY lost or damaged a book?
Pay for the book
How many books can you have checked out at a time?
What part of the book needs to be showing at the checkout counter?
The barcode
What leader habit asks you to make sure you can pay attention in your rug spot?
Habit 1:
Be proactive
Ms. Mac gets cranky when she has to repeat directions too many times. How can you avoid that?
Listen the first time
Ask a friend during work time
Read the directions on the assignment
How many books can you check out if you return one book and have 1 left at home?
Is it OK to let your friend take your book when they forgot theirs at home?
You are responsible for the book, not them.
What should you do if you really want to read a book that someone else has checked out?
Place a hold
Which leader habit suggests you find a safe place to keep your library book?
Habit 2:
Begin with the end in mind
What can you do to show you're a good listener?
Look at the speaker
Calm hands
Quiet mouth
How many books can you check out if you have 1 book at home and the other book is lost?
Should you check out picture books?
Older grades can still get picture books but make sure your other one is at your reading level
When can you check out books?
SF: During your class checkout time
HC: Monday-Wednesday
Which leader habit helps remind us that if someone gets your favorite book, it's ok for them to have a turn with it before we have our turn?
Habit 4:
Think Win-Win
What can you do to show you are following the expectation of being kind to others?
Help find a book
Share an eraser
Listen to them
Work together
What do you do if you can't remember the title of your overdue book?
Read the overdue notice you receive every week
As one of the library teachers to help look it up
What area has books that give us information?
They have numbers on their spine label
How do you find a book that you want to check out?
Use the catalog on a computer or ipad
Which leader habit helps us listen to our classmates when they relate to our project?
Habit 6: