These should be filled out as students enter or exit the classroom
what are rosters
A wipe can be used this many times before needing a new one when changing a diaper
what is once, one wipe per swipe
Bleach must sit on the surface for how long
what is 2 minutes
Attendance must have what written at the top
What is child's first and last name
I should do this if I suspect child abuse
What is report it (really come to a supervisor first and we will discuss together)
Lesson Plans and Snack Schedules are posted here
What are both sides of the classroom and on the front bulletin board
We should have this many soiled clothes bins
what are 2-3
Gloves should be worn at these times
what is toileting/diapering and serving food
Every morning the toileting log should have this written in
what is a health check
Schedules, client fees and refunds, room occupancy, facilitt director, hours and operations, and tuition can be found here
what is the bulletin board
All exposed outlets must have these
outlet covers
These items can be placed on the sink near the changing table
what is NOTHING
Hands should be washed at these times
before and afer meal time, after recess/outside time, any time there is a messy activity/hands are soiled
Parent and Staff signatures must be this
What is written legibly specifcally with the last name
Hazardous materials or items toxix to children should be here
What is out of reach and locked
This person(s) can adminster medication
Who are only those on the designated form which is listed in the office (typically sups and SBTs)
I should be doing this to the silicone pad between children
what is bleacing
A child fell and is bleeding, I can put these things on it
What is a wet paper towel to clean it and a band aid. No neosporin unless there is a medication form
If not in the classroom, all documents can be found here
What is the licensing binder in the office
This is the first aid kit we should give Tricia when she asks
what is the one in the office
Our Facility Director
Amanda Sumney
the steps of diapering
get trash can, wash hands, gather supplies before getting the child, place child on changing table (or over silicone mat), remove clothing, leave soiled diaper under child until done wiping, wipe front to back with one wipe per swipe, assess for any skin problems (say it aloud), dispose of soiled diaper in proper receptacle, remove gloves, if soiled wipe your hands with a wipe and throw away, if soiled wipe childs hand with a wipe and throw away, place clean diaper on child, dress, wash kids hands and return, clean changing table, wash your hands, document diaper change
the steps of handwashing
what are (turn on water) wet hands, get soap, scrub for 20 seconds outside of water, rinse hands, get paper towel/dry hands, if needed turn off water with paper towel if this step is needed, get a new paper towel to dry hands
These documents need to be in the classroom for the child
e-card, photo, vaccine record or exemption, sunscreen permission slip, wipe permission slip, and medication form IF medication is in the classroom
I should do this periodically throughout the morning when using my ipad
what is syncing