What is the teacher:student ratio for preschool?
What is the teacher:student ratio for infants and toddlers?
Infants- 1:4
Toddlers- 1:6
What is the teacher:student ratio during naptime?
1:24 (if all students are asleep) for preschool
1:12 (if all students are asleep) for infant/toddler
What is the total amount of outdoor space required per student?
There shall be at least 75 square feet per child of outdoor activity space based on the total licensed capacity.
What are the requirements for parents/guardians checking students in and out?
"The person who signs the child in/out shall use his/her full legal signature and shall record the time of day. The person who brings the child to, and removes the child from, the center shall sign the child in/out."
For the purpose/use of our school this means that they are imputting their assigned pin into Brightwheel and only approved individuals are picking up or dropping off students.
How often should students be taken to the bathroom?
When or how often do you change a child's diaper?
The infant shall be kept clean and dry at all times.
(1) The infant care center shall ensure that the infant has sufficient changes of clothing and diapers so that his/her clothing and diapers can be clean and dry at all times.
(2) Each infant's clothing and diapers shall be changed as often as necessary to ensure that the infant is clean and dry at all times.
What is the total amount of indoor space required per student?
There shall be at least 35 square feet of indoor activity space per child based on the total licensed capacity.
What should be made available to students while they are outside?
(a) Drinking water from a noncontaminating fixture or container shall be readily available both indoors and in the outdoor activity area.
(1) Children shall be free to drink as they wish.
(2) Anchored steps or a broad-based platform shall be utilized when a drinking fountain is too high for the children in care.
What is "line of sight" and what does it require?
"No child(ren) shall be left without the supervision of a teacher at any time....Supervision shall include visual observation." This means that you can not only see the child but they are within your enclosed space (i.e. classroom, bathroom, etc.)
What should be included in your classroom?
The licensee shall provide a variety of age-
appropriate equipment, toys and materials
in good condition and in sufficient quantity
to allow children present to fully participate
in planned activities.
What do we look for when accepting bottles into the classroom?
(e) The infant's authorized representative may provide formula or breast/mother's milk.
(1) Such formula or milk shall be bottled before being accepted by the center.
(A) Bottles shall be labeled (date and name)
What are the bare minimm areas that need to be presesnt in a school? Where are they in your school?
(1) Quiet and active play.
(2) Rest and relaxation.
(3) Eating.
(4) Toileting.
Can age groups be commingled in an outdoor space?
What is Mandated Reporter Training and it's purpose?
It is a training for Mandated Reporter who is licensed day care provider, administrator, or employee of a licensed child day care facility. It teaches Mandated Reporters how to: (a) identify and (b) report suspected child abuse and neglect.
True or False: Students have to participate in every activity.
False: "To be free to attend religious services or
activities of his/her choice."
Are you allowed to make a child's bottle of formula? (i.e. pour/measure formula into water in the bottle)
What are the basic rules for nap/rest time?
All children shall be given an opportunity to nap or rest without distraction or disturbance from other activities at the center.
(1) A napping space and a cot or mat shall be available for each child under the age of five.
(2) Centers that serve children in half-day programs are not required to schedule napping periods or have napping equipment for such children.
(3) No child shall be forced to stay awake or to stay in the napping area longer than the normal napping period. (This also applies to forcing students to sleep)
What are the requirements for an outdoor space?
The outdoor activity space shall be situated to: (1) Provide a shaded rest area for the children. (2) Permit children to reach the outdoor activity space safely. (c) Equipment and activity areas shall be arranged so that there is no hazard from conflicting activities. (d)
The surface of the outdoor activity space shall be maintained: (1) In a safe condition for the activities planned. (2) Free of hazards including, but not limited to, holes, broken glass and other debris, and dry grasses that pose a fire hazard.
(e) As a condition of licensure, the areas around and under high climbing equipment, swings, slides and other similar equipment shall be cushioned with material that absorbs falls. (1) Sand, woodchips and peagravel, or rubber mats commercially produced for the purposes of (e) above, are permitted. (2) The use of cushioning material other than that specified in (e)(1) above shall be approved by the Department prior to installation.
(f) Sandboxes shall be inspected daily and kept free of hazardous foreign materials.
(g) The playground shall be enclosed by a fence to protect children and to keep them in the outdoor activity area. The fence shall be at least four feet high.
What are students "personal rights" in the school?
"Each child shall be accorded safe, healthful and
comfortable accommodations, furnishings and
"Each child shall be accorded dignity in his/her
personal relationships with staff, and other
What is a UIR? Name a stituation when you would need one.
Unusual Incident Reports - Events reported
shall include:
o Death of any child from any cause
o Injury to any child that requires
medical treatment.
o Unusual incident or child absence
that threatens the physical or
emotional health or safety of any
o Suspected physical or psychological
abuse any child.
o Epidemic outbreaks.
o Poisonings
o Catastrophes
o Fires or explosions that occur in or
on the premises.
What is a "Needs and Services Plan" and what does it include?
A plan completed my the guardian of the infant that outlines all of the students basic needs.
The needs and services plan shall be in writing and shall include the following:
(1) The individual feeding plan.
(2) Infants up to 12 months of age shall have a completed Individual Infant Sleeping Plan [LIC 9227 (3/20)], which is incorporated by reference.
(3) The individual toilet-training plan, if applicable.
(4) Any services needed by the infant that are different from those provided by the center's normal program. Such items shall include but not be limited to: (A) Any special exercises for infants with physical disabilities.
What is "commingling" classrooms mean and what are the requirements?
Commingling classrooms is when two age groups are combined in one location.
Whenever groups of children of two (2) age categories are commingled and the younger age group exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the total number of children present, the ratios for the entire group must meet the ratios required for the younger age group. If the younger age group does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total number of the children present, the teacher-child and adult-child ratios shall be computed separately for each group.
Where is your emergency exit when outdoors and where is your meeting spot onsite and offsite?
Refer to Cindi for correct answers for each school
What should not be accessible to students in your classroom?
Disinfectants, cleaning solutions, poisons, and other items that could pose a danger if readily available to children shall be stored where inaccessible to children".