Agreement/ Principal parts
Tense and Voice
Transitive and Intransitive
Subject and Object Pronoun
Troublesome/ Linking verbs

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence 

Measles (seems, seem) to have broken out.



Find the verb and tell if it is in the active or passive voice.

We had been warned that they might be too skittish to come near us. 

had been warned; passive voice


identify the verb then tell if it is intransitive or transitive 

We read about King Arthur last year in literature class.

read; intransitive 


use the correct pronoun  in the sentence then tell what it is being used as 

Nancy likes sentimental movies, and the person who was crying at the end was (      ). 

she; subject complements 


find the troublesome verb, then correct the error, note that there might not be any error

The experience was so exhausting that I laid in bed resting until 10 o'clock the next morning.  

change laid to lay


Identify the main and auxiliary verb then tell what principal part it is in.

According to Aztec legends, this volcano was once a warrior that had been transformed into a volcano.

Was= main ;past

Had been=auxiliary Transformed=main; past participle 


Name the verb and its tense

This organization was founded in 1945, after World War II, at the same time as the United Nations itself. 

was founded; simple past


identify the verb, tell if it is transitive or intransitive, then tell the direct object

How could he bring about the monster's death?

could bring; transitive; death


find the pronoun error and correct it, keep in mind there might be no error

Lincoln is one of the most honored presidents; perhaps Americans admire George Washington and he the most. 

change he to him


identify the linking verb and tell the subject complement, tell if the complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective 

It was she who popularized many of the characters in the world's most famous ballet. 

was; she; pronun


choose the option to correct the error if not choose no error

An explosive crash made every patron, server hostess, and manager turn a)his or her head in Isaiah's direction. b)They could not believe how red the poor boy turned as c)he stood amid the pile of dish fragments. 

a) their

b) these people

c) it 

d) no error

b) these people


Name the verb then tell its tense and voice

As of next Thursday, you will have been a United States citizen for one year.

will have been; passive and future perfect


identify the verb, tell if it is transitive or intransitive

Achilles and Hector fought against each other in one battle scene.  

fought; intransitive 


find the error in pronouns and correct it, note that there might not be an error

The students attending the play were her and Gregory. 

change her to she


identify the linking verb but keep in mind there might not be one

The song ends on a hopeful note, however. 

there is none  ;)


Tell the base, past, and past participle form of this verb:




frostbitten=past participle


Name the verb the tell its tense an voice

Have you ever eaten a perfectly ripe mango? 

have eaten; present perfect and active


identify the verb, tell if it is transitive or intransitive, then if transitive tell its direct object

People sometimes prayed to the gods for help. 

prayed; intransitive 


find the error in pronouns and change it, note that there might not be an error

Him and her met when she was caring for one of his children. 

change him and her to he and she


find the error in troublesome verbs, keep in mind there might not be one 

The babysitter laid the sleeping infant in the crib. 

no error


choose the answer to correct the error if not choose no error

Neither of my best friends believes that death is a reality for a) them. During the weekend, these two buddies spend b) their time jumping out of airplanes, never worrying that c) their parachutes might not open. 

a) him

b)his time

c) his parachute

d) no error

a) him


Name the verb then tell its tense and voice

He had eaten breakfast before he went to school.

had eaten; active and past perfect


identify the verb then tell if it is intransitive or transitive

The nobles lived in castles some of which are still standing today. 

lived; intransitive         still standing; intransitive


identify the pronoun, tell if it is object or subject, then tell what it is acting as

Some people call it one of the greatest speeches in American history. 

it; object pronoun; direct object


choose the correct troublesome verb to complete the sentence

Don't forget to (      ) your fishing rod with you on your camping trip. (take, bring)

