Get Your $$ Up
Stop being lazy
Get some friends
Look + feel good
Get even more $$$

a payment card issued to users to enable the cardholder to pay a merchant for goods and services based on the cardholder's accrued debt

What is a credit card?


This is why you procrastinate

What is most likely due to emotional regulation. Time management is pain management. When you feel uncertainty, stress, etc. these all are very negative emotions that suck so its easier to push that aware in favor of feeling good right now

Places to make new friends after college pt.1

What is: try my coworkers?

The best form of cardio
What is "any form that I can do consistently"

What you should base your career selection on?

What are: "What you have qualifying experience for, What you are passionate about, Your tolerance of risk, An opportunity that sets you up for future career moves, etc."

a card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase

What is a debit card?


How you should limit your time on social media pt.1

What is removing external cues should as disabling notifications, turning my phone off/putting in another room, and/or setting screen time limitations. 


Places to make new friends after college pt.2

join a sports league


The most slept-on aspect of health

What is sleeping a consecutive 8-10 hours?


What you should do during your summers in college

What is find jobs, internships, programs/fellowships to participate in, gain experience, build your resume, and network with potential future employers? 


The percent of your income that should be spent on rent

What is 30%? *Other mentors plz chime in*


How you should schedule your day

What is make time for traction? We often feel we aren't spending time doing meaningful or necessary things, yet we haven't specified what they are and when we'll do them. Make a time-blocked schedule with dedicated activities. 

What is a slept-on aspect of friendship that is important for a healthy bond? Pt. 1
What is boundaries

This is where gains are made

What is the kitchen


What you should do when you receive a full-time offer

What is "research salary via job posting sites and your network/mentors to develop a range based on your skills, experience, location, etc."


This is when I should apply for scholarships

What is RIGHT NOW! This summer/school year and next are the prime opportunities along with the college application process

How you should limit your time on social media pt. 2

What is unfollow the people/accounts that don't really add value or increase your happiness/enjoyment of the platform 


What is a slept on aspect of friendship that is important for a healthy bond. Pt.2

What is communication

What you should do when you feel sad, lonely, or unmotivated or just bad about yourself? Pt.1

What is rely on resources such as your social support network and/or explore professional help should negative feelings persist and impede your life.  

A platform for professional networking and career building

What is LinkedIn? 


A major national crisis that I can avoid by properly planning and working ahead

What is the student loan crisis? Get your grades up, take advanced classes, build your extra curricular and APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS!!


What I should do if I fail to meet my goals consistently and don't know what to do?

What is be forgiving to yourself? Don't feel like a failure or that you are just lazy. Approach it like a scientist would, asking what the cause of this behavior is. What internal feelings drove me to certain behavior? What external cues caught my attention? What can I do to improve?


Do this to make friends or maybe star in the next Netflix serial killer series

What is meet people online through similar interests, social media platforms, etc. 

What you should do when you feel sad, lonely, or unmotivated or just bad about yourself?

What is boss up? Many issues can stem from bad live conditions that we can work on improving daily. Each day make a step toward progress and your life can be unrecognizably splendid in no time. 


This should be your philosophy for career development

What is exploring your curiosity, leveraging your connections, and pivoting to a new phase when desired?
